Friday, October 10, 2008

Matt's B-day Party (a month & a half late)

I know I've promised these pictures for a month and half...sorry, crazee busy and I just get sidetracked!! So here they finally are :)........

We had his 11th Bday party at Main Event in Grapevine. It's about a 45 mins drive from Decatur, so only one of his school friends came. But he had a GREAT turn out and I think everyone (parents included) had a good time :)

This picture was taken on his actually birthday. We got him his own little chocolate b-day cake so he could blow out candles on his actually b-day. Then to top it off, we took him to Yesterday's (a 50's & 60's restaurant) where he got to have a "dessert dinner" and they sang Happy Birthday and had him "ride" a blow up motorcycle in the restaurant :)

Brad, Cheryl, Krista, and Laura flew up for Matt's party that morning. Cheryl was a BIG help keeping eyes on Brayden for me so I could take pictures :)

Brayden was so delighted to have "some one me..." (that's how he refers to kids his age) at the party. This little cutie is Sage. She is our 2nd cousin.

Here's Natalie, Krista, and Laura....I think the signs say it all!!

This is our friends from Justin - Kary and JJ. Kary used to do Tae-Kwon-Do with me. They are also our 1 a month poker playing buddies. Their son Ty came to the party, but I only had blurry pictures of him :(

This sweet baby is Sage's little brother Isiah (I apologize to Mom and Dad if I've spelled it wrong).

These are the proud parents of Sage and Isiah :) And they have EVERY right to be proud!! Gary is Jim's 1st cousin.

This is Cheryl and her husband Brad (the pilot that was so kind to bring them up for the weekend :))

This is Matt with his best friend for at LEAST 3 years...Evan. They are definitely like 2 peas in a pod :)

Here's the Howell's and their sweet baby nephew. The Howell's used to live directly behind us in our last house.

Matt and Evan having the best time!

Sage...future Rock Star :)

Natalie, Laura, Krista, and Brad are racing against each other. Well, Laura didn't race. I think she likes taking pictures as much as her Aunt Angie :)

Brayden was getting quite pooped at this point. So it was JUST fine to sit and watch Daddy play.

He decided that he wasn't THAT pooped and better help Dad out with this race :)

At the end of the party everyone cashed in their tickets and got to choose from a vast array of "high quality" toys. Here's Matt with his boodle:) He's quite proud!

**Oh, and as mentioned in yesterday's blog...check out Jim's new blog....


Kim :) said...

Looks like the birthday party was a huge success! Loved seeing all the pictures. It just amazes me how much those kiddos change in such a short time!

Jen said...

Cool! I love that place! Glad you had such a great time!