Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Jr. Doll

Natalie was in her first ever High School Football game half time "show". I put it in parenthesis since she didn't get to perform with the Eagle Dolls in their Halftime routine (as it was told to us that they would). They just stood on the sideline and watched the Eagle Dolls perform. But they did get to do the line up when the boys came back onto the field and they did the fight song dance. I think she really enjoyed it, but was a bit nervous.

Here are the "must have" pictures I took at the house before the game:

The Jr. dolls are lined up on the side line watching the Halftime show. Nat is 3rd from the left.

After the Eagle dolls were done with their performance, they lined back up with the Jr. dolls for when the boys come back onto the field. Nat is 4th from the right.

Go, Fight, Win Eagles!

Several pictures I took after this point has Nat making a funny face. Guess the smoke was getting in her eyes :)

It wasn't a huge performance, but it was still fun to watch her be a part of that. Brought back a lot of High School memories for me. And it was funny to see how some things just don't change...no matter the year, no matter the school size. The girls cheered a little, giggled and acted silly a little. Matt was at the end of the bleachers playing football with his friends. Jim and I wrestled the midget in the stands....it was a fun night :)


Reagan said...

GO NAT!!!! She looks awesome :)

(seriously Jim is sleeping outside her window with a gun right???.....I wouldn't trust those football players!!!)

Kim :) said...

LOVE the pictures!! How fun for Nat. I'm glad she is getting to be a part of all of this. Isn't the highschool football still as much fun as it ever was? I look forward to each and evrey Friday night! It brings back loads of great memories. And memories are being created by our very own children! LOVE THAT!

Kay said...

Go Nat!! Thanks for posting the pictures and sharing the fun! Love Ya All!!

Jen said...

Awesome! She's adorable! Reminds me of a cheerleader I once knew...

Unknown said...

Midget wrestling is fun!!! Hehe!