Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nat's 1st Art Show and 3rd Christmas recital

Nat had her first ever art show weekend before last. She submitted 5-6 pieces. Most of you that have seen her work knows that they ALL deserved 1st place...or maybe that's just a Momma's prejudice :) Her sculpture placed 5th overall. And I told her that that is pretty dang good cause there was over 150 entries!! And that sculpture was the piece that she's put the most time and effort into. Here's a few pictures from the show. She wasn't too thrilled to be in the group picture, but Momma has to have her memories ;) This past Sunday Nat had her 3rd Christmas piano recital. She played Fur Elise (sp?). She did really well with a piece that was fairly difficult! We are very proud of her...as always. I have placed 2 pictures and one video...try it out, but you'll have to watch the video with your head tilted cause I forgot not to rotate the camera :( Here's the video...I hope :)


Kim :) said...

Great Job Nat!!!!! What great achievements! She is doing great with Art and the piano! she is lucky to have parents that will give her the opportunity to do such things! Great job guys.

Reagan said...

WooHoo Nat!!!!!
She amazes me with her talents :)

Jen said...

Wow! She is so talented! Way to go, Sweetie!