Monday, November 03, 2008

Trick or Treating 08

This year I only had 2 trick or treaters in tow. But it was okay cause Natalie was pretty excited to get to hand out candy. We didn't exactly have that option the 3 previous Halloweens. NOT too many kids trick or treating in the boonies :)

The boys got a double bonus this year since Truck or Treat was held at 2 different churches on Wed. Truck or Treat is where people fill the parking lot with their cars and trucks, decorate them up, and hand out candy...and some play games. There will also be hay rides, jump houses, hot dogs, and at one church..a band. It a nice "one stop shop" kinda set up...right up my alley :) Here's the boys (and Nat :)) on Wed...

Now two things you might not notice right away or know the story behind. #1 - click on the picture with Nat and Brayden. Now look at Nat's teeth...yep...that's right...she is Brace Face no longer :) And her teeth look beautiful!!! #2 - the story behind the Ti double g errr suit. Uhm, when we bought the suit a few months ago, we were afraid that Brayden would just be going as Brayden to Trick or Treat. He WOULD NOT put the suit on. One day I made him put it on and he cried his head off...yes, well aware I'm a bad Momma! I told him he couldn't take it off until he stopped crying. He dried it up immediately and still with a quivering lip and tears streaming out of his eyes he said "...I stopped my crying, can I take the Tigger suit off?". It was so sad :( A few days later he told me he'd wear the suit but not the head. I felt that that was a fair deal...and we still had a month till Halloween at that time, so I figured I still had time to work on him. And it worked, as you see in the pictures. Now I did have to bribe him with candy to put the head on, but I did what I had to do by jiggy :)

Now on to Halloween night...

Not sure how the weather was where you live on Halloween. We were a balmy 82! We hit about 8-10 houses and Matt was asking if we could be done and Brayden told me his head on burning :) And this was more walking than his little legs had done in a Tigger suit. He told me (as we are 2-3 blocks from the truck) "...I need you to hold me...I'm not heavy..." Poor little baby, guess he hears that a lot :( So I honored their requests.

Matt was just beside to get home ans help Nat hand out candy!

And I think this picture is a perfect example of...... SUGAR RUSH!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all had a very Happy Halloween!

And last but definitely not least....


And Happy Being Born Day to Colin Restel in sunny Florida :) Congrats in advance to the proud Momma and Daddy - Carrie and Guy :)


Reagan said...

Yeah for straight teeth!!!! Nat looks amazing :)

I'm so proud of Tigger! We told Em for weeks that she would only get candy if she wore the wings...and wear them she did!!! Girl loves her candy!

Cool costume Matt -- the hat looks awesome!

Kim :) said...

WOW! Braces off already! :) That's great! I will so not be telling Kelsey about this! lol She is counting down the days until hers come off. She really does like her braces, but she also wants to feel what it feels like with them off. lol

Cute stories about Halloween. Loved the costumes! Our little guy only got to go trunk or treating at the football field before the football game! lol WE are rotten parents.