Thursday, January 08, 2009

15 mins of my life

I won't be doing a "Day in the Life of Angie"...I'll just give you what happened in just 15 mins of my life. All just random stuff...but funny to me. And you MUST take into consideration, I have NO adult conversation (most days) until Jim gets bear with me and what I think is funny :)

So I'm drying my hair a few minutes ago, turn off the dryer and hear my baby screaming. It's his "I'm hurt/terrified" scream. So I tear out of the bathroom and run into him in the living room. He's screaming "...I get the fire truck off my hair...get it off....get it off...oweee..." My poor little baby has a motorized (GeoTrax) fire truck wound up in his hair :( I'm kissing on him to calm him down and that was NOT what he was wanting. He said "...we gotta go...go get the scissors..." And ANYONE who knows me KNOWS how I feel about getting his hair cut. But I had no other choice. It was wound pretty tight and very close to his head. No way I could work it back out cause the stupid toy was suck and was still winding in and we couldn't turn it off. So I pulled out the trusty scissors and took a precious lock of hair off my baby's head :( Ugh! He checked himself out in the mirror afterwards and told me "'s ok Mommy, I'm still handsome..." :)

After all the drama we head to his room to get dressed. I pull the shirt over his head and he turns to look at his Buzz Lightyear jacket (that has a pictures of Zurg on it). He said "Buzz Lightyear is on my jacket with his Daddy." (and if you hadn't ever seen the movie...Zurg is evil, Buzz is good...and the story plays out like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Zurg even says the line "...I am you Father...") Brayden then asks me "Why is the Daddy mad?" (cause [of course] Zurg's a bad guy and is making a mad face) I told him that I didn't know. He told me "...maybe it's because he didn't clean his room!" LOL... then proceeds to tell me that Buzz had just ONE racecar and he didn't pick it up... You might have had to be there to laugh at this one. But it was funny!...and so cute.

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

you are weird, funny, but weird

Kim :) said...

OH no!!! I could just picture that toy wrapped up in that poor babies hair!! OUCH! I'm glad he is Still Handsome after it all!

I love the stories like this. And getting them down like you did will help remember them for always!

Carrie said...

I love it!!! I am so glad I found your site again. Love and Miss ya'll


Poor thing!! Was looking at all the pics -- you look great!!

Reagan said...

LMAO!!! Poor kiddo - glad he wasn't traumatized by the haircut!

5 mins of our world -- Em comes running into the living room with a balloon from her bday - screaming her head off that the kitty was trying to steal her balloon. Poor kid was hysterical but all things were better when we explained Leo didn't want the balloon just to play string. Em went found a piece of yarn and told him that was his and the balloon was hers!
Things you find funny when you stay home all day with little ones! :)

Jen said...

that's adorable...