Thursday, January 15, 2009


So I've recently travelled outside my Blogger comfort zone and signed up for Facebook. Beth told me that I should try it and that it's fun. I am always leery of sites like this cause I'm always afraid of the content that I DON'T want to see. Like on MySpace... I never signed up for that, but I've looked at a few pages and it doesn't take long before someone is linked up to someone who feels the need to show a boob or butt cheek! I'm not too cool with that!!! I like to talk and find friends/school mates form the past, but I am NOT looking to find soft core porn! No thank you!

Anyway, so I signed up to Face book and it's pretty neat. Seems pretty "safe" too. I have already found a few people I went to high school with.

What's the most funny about all of this is my husband! He sees me signing up the other day and is asking WHY wouldn't you just sign up for MySpace? I told him that I wanted to try Facebook. He was all saying how MySpace was better, Facebook's no different...basically dissing!! :) Then he leaves the go do WHAT???? Sign up on stinking Facebook!!!!!!!!!! I think he's more of an addict than I am now. What a nut!

Here's the link to my page...I think:

Kim - If you read this, could you send me an invite? I can't (for some reason) send you one.



LOL -- I can't stand Myspace because - I can't figure out all the changing the page and crap - Facebook - everyones looks the same and I like that!!

Unknown said...

I gotta have something to do while I'm driving around.

Reagan said...

Facebook is so much easier than myspace! Glad to see you on there :)

Kim :) said...

I understand about Myspace. I have one, but dont' usre it. I have a facebook and really have enjoyed seeing old friends on there, but I tend not to use it much either. :( I need to get better at it! I will send you a link to mine soon. Maybe Jim already gave it to you? I think he has it. HOpe you guys are doing well!