Sunday, February 01, 2009

Happy 14th Birthday Natalie!!

On Friday our big girl turned 14!! Most of you already know this from my Facebook page (, but I need to keep my Blogger fans happy too ya know ;)

She got have 4 girls sleepover last Friday night due to how we needed to schedule Brayden's party. So...last Sunday was Brayden's actual b-day, but we had Nat's "celebration"...this was Nat's b-day weekend, but we had Brayden's party... She had a very good time regardless of scheduling. They all went skating and then yapped it up ALL night till Lord knows when :)...but was to be expected.

Friday Jim and I scurried around like mad all day to get Nat's old bed tore down and put back up in Brayden's room. Then to get Nat's new TOTALLY AWESOME bed put up by the time I got her home from school. She was so happy that she asked if she could just get in her PJs and go to bed :)

Grandma and Grandpa Racecar (my Mom and Dad) were so kind to help us with Nat's bed by donating a headboard and rails that Karen had. Mom spiffed up the headboard with a new coat of white paint. I think it turned out GR8!! After Nat had some good snuggle time in her new bed, she and Brayden opened presents from Grandma and Grandpa...and cards from Great Granny Berryman, Great Granny Davidson, and Grandpa James & Phyllis.

Then it was up to Nat where we had supper. She wanted sushi so we went to Shogun in Denton. It's a Japanese steak house. Everyone loved it. Brayden was VERY concerned that the man cooking in front of us was going to burn his sippy cup! The entertainment was great! Then if we weren't stuffed enough....we came home to Nat's multi-cheescake platter...yum! I think our big girl had a very good birthday!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes she received by email, phone, and mail :)

I'll give you all a few days to check this blog out and then I'll do a post on Brayden's b-day party at Wazoo's! Let me just tell you now...most of the pictures are a blurr!!!!

I will now leave you with what can be archived as Matthew Berryman in the early years...cause per his guitar teacher...he WILL be in a band :) ....Enjoy :)
This is House of the Rising Sun by The Animals (I believe). He's just starting on this song, but he's doing really well!

This is Little Red Riding Hood. Not sure who's song it is, but he does really well with this one too!


Kim :) said...

Happy Birthday Natalie!!! I can't believe she is already 14. It is hard to watch our babies grow before our eyes. I odn't want them to grow up!

Kelsey loved Nats room! And so do i. :)

Matt is doing a fantastic job with his guitar! I need to get his autograph so I can say I knew him when!


He is awesome on the guitar!! I need to find a place that gives lessons for Mason!! He loves music! Once again Nats room is so cute!! Talk to you on Facebook!! Love you

Reagan said...

LOVE the room!!! Great Job Mom!

Guitar skills are fantastic!

Now that's the kind of blog page I love - lots of pics :)

How's your running?