Monday, March 02, 2009

Brayden's Birthday Party (a month late)

I know I'm a month behind, but better late than never. I'll admit, I've gotten addicted to Facebook and Blogger has taken a back burner. BUT, now I've linked Facebook to Blogger so maybe that'll get me back to more consistent blogs. Cause I know I have readers...maybe not commenters :)....but readers ;)

We had Brayden's birthday on Feb. 1st at a HUGE indoor jump house warehouse place. It's called Wazoos. It was really fun. Most every picture I took was a blur because from the second the kids peeled their shoes off...they were GONE! It was almost a bit much for Brayden to take in because there were just so many choices!! The big kids even had a great time. And even though it was s very cool day outside, it didn't take long for them to get sweaty and red faced. Here's some (not as blurry) pictures of everyone playing:

The kids are all so pooped I think this is probably the first party we've had were we didn't hear a single "awh man" when we called them to come to the party room. Usually you've got at least a handful of kiddos that are NOT ready to stop playing! Brayden was beside himself when we saw that he had a Thomas cake! Thomas is the BEST!!

Brayden made out really well in the ole gift department. He was so excited that his friends not only came to play with him, but also brought gifts!?!?! WOW! He was on cloud 9 :)

After he opened all his presents, had cake, and cooled down a bit...he headed back out to play. Since they let you stay and play for as long as you like, I figured it would be a good long while before I saw Brayden again. About 20-30 later he came up to me and said he wanted to go home!?!? I was shocked, but sure wasn't gonna argue with him :) Usually you have to leave these places with the little ones kicking and screaming! Not Brayden! He was ready to G-O! He was ready to get home and play with his new toys!!!

It was a good party and I thank everyone who came! It was a very special day for Brayden and we thank all of you that were able to come and share it with us :) And we truly missed all of you who couldn't make it.


Kim :) said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. and to get gifts to! Got to love that. :)

Reagan said...

We LOVE those places!!!
I'm glad all had a great day :)