Sunday, August 14, 2005

Botanical Gardens

I wanted to post some pictures I took today on our trip to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens - Japanese Garden. The kids had a great time, despite the fact that it felt like a zillion degrees. Even Brayden was melting. Quickly after taking these pictures, we stipped him down to his diaper and we all wished we could've done the same!

Here the kids are walking out over the coy pond. Nat is VERY leary about the coy fish coming up and nibbling on her toes.

This is one hot baby!! Poor guy.

This is one heck of a view huh?

I've tried to post more pictures with this, but bloggers being contrary right now. I'll post more tommorrow. I'll also need your help because I got an abundance of PERFECT pictures of the kids that I want to use as our new family picture. Yes!! That's right...I got the PERFECT picture. I just need help narrowing them down. See ya tommorrow...I'm gonna go smell the rain. This day couldn't get any more perfect!



Those are the prettiest pictures!!

The Oldies said...

so glad that your family can enjoy the beautiful things in life. And put all the rest behind. Wonderful pictures. Thanks for the memories

Kim :) said...

Oh these are beautiful pictures!! I am glad that you guys had such a wonderful weekend, despite the heat! I can't wait to see the othe pictures that you are talking about!

Hope you have a wonderful week!