Thursday, August 04, 2005


We've all had moments in our life where we've been just dumbfounded. You may stumble, studder, maybe even faint. These situations make you have a loss of I am now. I "thought" I was dumbfounded yesterday when the man I had come out to mow my pasture #1) called 4x for me to give him the SAME directions, #2) mowed over and broke one of the 2 sprinkler heads that I showed him in my field...and said "please don't mow here", and #3) argued with me that 8 acres x $20 = $160 NOT $180....I almost sent Nat to get a damn calculater! ANYway...

Nope, that was not dumbfounded. This is dumbfounded....

We recieved a letter from the D.A. of Wise county stating that they need the info from the insurance company of what the total loss was and the total amount (including deductible) that insurance wouldn't and would be paying. The letter said that the defendant Gregory Gilbert Glover would owe us restitution. So I call to tell them that my insurance company will be forwaring that info to her (the DA is a "her" speak lightly). She says "Ok, but I must tell you that this case has been dissovled". This is where the dumbfoundedness kicks in.. I say...studderingly..."Wha-wha-wha what do you mean by dissovled". She tells me flatly that he has recieved 5 years probation. I say "F-f-f-f 5 years probation? That's it...that's all...? I thought he was going to jail." She doesn't give in, in the least. She comes back with "He will serve 5 years probation and if he violates that he'll serve 5 years in jail. And he will have to pay you restitution as part of his probation. Thank you, goodbye"...and click. ...BITCH!!!! I'm the f-ing victim here...why did I get treated as if I can't know anything about MY case!!

THIS....THIS is dumbfounded.

I call Jim to fill him in...same feeling overcomes him also. He is now dumbfounded, which turned to anger quickly (as you will read this evening in his blog). And since he will blog tonight...I'll let him take the story from here, which will (I'm sure) include the conversation with our investigator.

Justice at it's finest guys! But she is in an elected position and I'll do my damnedest to try and end that!

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

Oh Angie.

This is horrible!! I can't believe this, I can't even imagine what you guys are going threw!! The justice system sure doesn't work the way it should does it?? I wish there were something I could do to make it better.

Love ya!