Monday, August 08, 2005

Family Feuds

I know that at least once in each of our lives we've had family feuds. Sometimes they are over "real" issues, sometimes they are a bunch of crap. I want to address the on-going CRAP issues that my families are feuding (silently) over.

I'm not looking to point anyone out here. I'm just wanting to address a true fact...this crap needs to freakin end! I'm (again) not addressing one person or group of people. I'm not trying to address just my family or Jim's. You know who you are and you know...surely you know buy now... that this is crap. I love you all so much and I'm telling you that this crap (I will use the term "crap" a lot and it is to replace a more harsh word) is just tearing the families apart piece by piece. Some of you are foolishly standing back and actually acting happy that you are pushing the other away. Some of you are foolishly thinking that the one person doesn't know how you are "slamming" their name. Some of you are just plain and simple playing the "lazy" card and putting no effort into acting like a family. Some of you are getting so damn selfish and money oritented that you're not paying attention to the fact that your turning your loves ones bitter (against you).

Guys, it's not hard to be a family & to be descent(sp?). It's not! We are so freaking blessed to have each other. We are so freaking blessed that we haven't had to endure the tragedy that other familys have...that we hear about on the news. But dammit that doesn't mean that it can't happen. The phrase has been said so often that it's not even thought twice about...but what if there were no tomorrow? What if?? Is this honestly how you guys want to leave this?? Really? Do you really not give a crap?

Now I've bitched quite extensively on this topic. No, nothing happened JUST today. These are just things that I've known about for a while now. I had wanted to address each one of you seperately, but I was honestly afraid that I'd be thrown into the "I hate you I'm not gonna talk to you" pit. I love you guys. Now I'm asking for the sake of everyone effected (or not), young or old, alive or not...I'm asking that you just PLEASE put this crap aside. It's not like most of us see each other everyday. Come on, the reality is that we have only a few select holidays or occasions together each year. Please try. Please try for what ever reason works for you. I've seen what happens to families that get torn apart by this crap. And you know what??? The people that get hurt are the ones that SOOO don't deserve it. Yeah, you may actually hurt the person you intended to hurt...but no where near like you hurt that person you didn't intend to hurt.

Does ANY of this rambling make any sense?

Not sure if anyone other than Jim will read this. Not sure anyone will care to respond to such a topic. Not sure if I haven't already been "banished to the other side of the island". But someone HAD to say it. And I just felt it was time cause we aren't getting any younger and these situations aren't getting any better on their own.

I love you all!! So much!! Angie


Jim said...

You're right, thanks for giving me something to write about today. Actually, thanks for always loving me, and working through our problems, no matter how bad they seem at the time.



It seems a little intense!!!! Hope it all works out

Kim :) said...

{{Hugs}} I am sorry to hear things are at this point. I hope now that you have said what you said those involved will come together and talk things out.