Wednesday, August 24, 2005

First Day of School

Tina (my sister-in-law) sent me some pictures of her kiddos first day of school, so I figured that posting pictures of mine would make for a good blog.

Here's Matt on the way into his school (running late).

This is the second day of school. Had to take a picutres of him sporting the camo!

Here's Nat heading into her school. There's no one else around cause we were way late!

Here she is at her hoomroom.

Here's Brayden on the his first day of not brother or sissy at home. He's sporting his Jeffin Gordon suit just for Grandpa Racecar!

I was trying to catch him crawling, but he was more interested in eating the camera!

Hope you have a GREAT rest of the week!



Those are too cute.

The Oldies said...

such a happy baby. Late the first day of school?????????????