Monday, August 22, 2005

Little Monkey

If I hadn't seen it with me own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! We've been watching Brayden cut his 2 upper teeth. His right top tooth cam in last week and there was drooling and a little fusiness, but not hardly anything to mention. Friday he was pretty fussy and I noticed that the left top tooth has come in. This tooth was causing the nasty diapers and the whole miseralbe 9 yards. But it came in and I figured that we'd had the worst day.

Well today he wsas being pretty fussy and nasty butt was back. And he was drooling more than I'd ever seen. I just figured that the top 2 teeth were still the culprit, so I popped some teething tablets in to try and calm him down. As I put them in his mouth I see this tiny little bottom tooth! I was shocked! I'd spent all this time worring about the top teeth it never dawned on me that he'd be cutting another bottom tooth at the same time! 3 teeth at once, poor guy!

As far as his other developments, he's now starting to rock back and forth in the crawl position. He's getting close! Nat and Matt are just REALLY enjoying all these new things he's doing. He makes Matt laugh cause he's such a nut...just like him. Nat loves how Brayden loves to crawl to her, just makes her day!

They are both doing really well with school. Matt's staying consistant with his green days and he's reading so good. He has to read everyday for 20 mins and he really likes this current book were reading so much that when I told him that his 20 mins was up he said, can we keep reading please!!?? WOW! What a wonderful thing! He also starting to learn some spanish today, hopefully he won't be like me and be more proficient (sp?) in the "four" letter words than the proper.

Nat's learing (what I consider) some really advanced stuff. Today they touched on algebra, longitude and latitude, and something else that I remember never studying till high school. She's been adapting so well. She's just so pumped about school. And even though she had a litle break thru episode last week, she's just hadles it so well. She said "I will always have this and I'll just have to deal with it." She's one tough cookie. She's gonna be a leader and people are gonna know her name in the future! :)

Jim made some major accoplishments this weekend on the well house/shed. He is doing an awesome job for never doing this before. It's a real treat for him (and me) to stand back and be proud of something you did. And he had it framed up in like 3 hours.

We had a really nice weekend with Jim's cousin Beth and her husband Scott and son Mason. The kids all got along GREAT and of couse the adults did too. Dream come true after that whole blog nightmare from a few weeks back. We went to Ikea. This was a 1st for me and won't be the last. So many cool things and ideas and awesome prices!! There were GOBS of people even though this was there 3 week to be open. but it was really neat and I hopefully can go back went it'll be less packed. I aslo went to Sam Moom for the 1st time. I'm not much of a purse person, but it was kinda cool. Nat had a BALL...especially trying on hair and poncho/shawls. She was as upset about leaving as Matt was having to leave Dave and Busters. We didn't get to eat of play there cause Dave and Buster was packed also. Hopefully we can go to one soon...maybe when our good friend Gary and Kim come this weekend.

I could go on all night, but I'll save stuff for tomorrow. Besides someone's getting mighty cranky and Dad's needing a break...even though he's bing VERY patient with my teething baby.

Hope you all have a great week and I'd sure like to read some blogs from some of you who've not been blogging :) Love - Angie



Congrats kids on a great day school. Once again we had a great weekend with you all and I think I will be laughing a year from now about Brayden with the crayon - I told Carrie about it tonight and she was cracking up -- but I had to start the story out with Jim getting soaked -- as I was telling it I cracked up again. Poor Brayden -- new record we were just talking about the kids getting teeth 2 at a time now it is 3 at a time!!! Love ya Beth


Blogger who hasn't blogged in awhile -- your husband tell him to get to writting and let Natalie create one -- I think it will be interesting!

Kay said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time with Beth and family.

The kids sound like they are enjoying school and are starting out the year in a great way.

I'm sorry Brayden is popping teeth in record time. I know it is painful for him as well as for you to have to deal with. Maybe those crayons aren't such a bad idea! He can color code them as they come in!

Hug my babies for me. Love, K

P.S. Jim.......get to blogging. I miss not getting to read about your days. Love, Mom

Kim :) said...

OH Poor Brayden!! Maybe we need to hav to talk with that little Monkey and let him know that it is to much to cut THREE teeth at once! Silly man.

Glad that the kids are doing so well in school. That is always a blessing isn't it?

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend! Really looking forward to the visit!

The Oldies said...

glad that you are back to blogging. Tell Jim we miss him. Sound like the kids have everything under controll. Looking forward to seeing you soon.