Thursday, August 11, 2005


Ok, nevermind. I'm truely sorry that I said anything the other day. I guess I went somewhere that I shouldn't have. And Jim was just trying to back me up. He may say it a little harsher, but really he just wanted to help accomplish what I was. NO, he didn't mean the sutff about kicking butt and bring it on. It's just how he words stuff. You guys KNOW that. He's a GOOD person. Dadgumit, you know if you need him he's there.

Honestly all I was hoping for was a happy couple of holiday gatherings this year. One where no one was having to bite their tounges and everyone was truely happy. Kinda corny and I feel like I shoud be "claymation" saying this. But it was all I was hoping to accomplish. But in turn, I've made people mad...Jim's made people mad. Someone who I love dearly told me not to mess with this kind of family stuff and to just let it be. She was right. I should have just let it be. I am sorry. I had no ill will with that blog. Really I didn't. I stupidly thought I could help. Jim sweetly and stupidly backed me up. He might have done it in a "bulldog" manner, but he just wants what I do.

Things have gone south due to my previous ramblings. Some have thought that it was JUST about them. And it wasn't. I'm not just back-peddleing(sp?) to cover my butt either. It was not just about 1 person/issue/family. It REALLY wasn't.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Now with our comments and comments that have ben returned to us (and I'm sorry...any comments that were directed to Jim...were directed to me cause he's mine.) we may have totaly shot this whole happy holidays in the foot. What are ya gonna do? I can't it back. It's already posted and out there. My intent got all twisted and bent and come across NOT at all as I wanted.

I do love you all. My comments my be unforgiveable and the comments that were recieved might be the same. But I do love you ALL! I was just trying to help. So was Jim. That's all. Any posts from here on out will just be about my sweet babies. It will be a "peaches-and-cream" kinda blog. I'll not post anything like this again. I'm sorry.

But I gotta just say ONE last thing. Jim's a good guy. He's a GREAT Dad. You can't just take isolated incidents lump them together and think you know what he's all about. He blows A LOT of steam and talks big. But it's just words, words that he uses to help vent. Not actions...just words. His actions...they're all about caring and love. I'm not just saying this crap. I'm not a little woosy, submissive wife. If I say these things about him..they are true. And because I just said this I think I am now becoming "claymation".

Again...sorry...I love you...Merry Christmas!



Jim is the biggest teddy bear there is and everyone that truely knows him knows that! So if they think any differently then they really aren't true friends. If the families can't get along then just say when you can all grow up and me adults then let me know and you will see us -- until then the kids shouldn't be subjected to that kind of atmosphere. Love ya bunches see you in a week

The Oldies said...

Angie don't think you have to say your sorry. And it isn't your fault when family members don't get along. That is their problem not yours. They make the choices. Your can't change the world. And if the families don't know what a great guy Jim is to hell with them. He has always tried to help and where does it get him. Just more rejection and his feelings getting stepped on. Just love one another and be happy that God blessed you both.

Kim :) said...

OH sweetie. I am sorry to read your blog today and find out that things aren't so good. I know you were just trying to help, and I am sorry that some dind't take it that way. I also say that Jim is a great guy and anyone that really cares to see that DOES see that. To hell and back with the others! Those my friend of the people that you don't need to deal with and just move on and enjoy your life. LIfe is to short for all this crap!