Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pick your favorite

As I mentioned (in the 2 prior blogs) I need help deciding which of these should go on the wall. Please pick the one you think's the best...it's too hard for me!

Choice #1

Choice #2

Choice #3

Now, on to school news. Matt said that 2nd grade was cool and that he had a bunch of the same kids in his class from last year. He also said he had a green day. As far as his story goes there is no blue (which used to be the best you could get in 1st grade). He said that Green was the best, then Yellow, Orange, red...and he started to mention colors like black and brown which from the way he tells it it's close to serving jail time. Other than that, he liked the teacher and the food was good.

Nat hops in the truck and is just BEAMING & says "5th grade is awesome"! She loves her science teacher. Supposedly he's a real riot. She said the Math teacher was really fun too. Homeroom teacher was nice. She loves having a locker and getting to just come right out to the car without waiting by a teacher...big kid stuff! She said they had quesadillas and those are just about her favorite.

So good day all around. I worked and Brayden blew toots and kept army crawling to his sisters puzzle that's on the floor. He really wanted a taste but I kept foiling his plans. Poor guy!

Love you all - Angie


Kim :) said...

I say with out a doubt #3 !! Those are awesome pictures Angie!! You indeed get some great photos there!

That is great to hear that the kids had a great day at school!! Kelsey did as well.

Have a super day,

Kay said...

Definately #3. They all look so happy.

I'm glad Nat and Matt had a good start to school. We start today.

Hope Brayden isn't too lonely. I bet he misses the big kids not being around all day. I can just see him looking for them.

Have a great afternoon! K


My vote is #3 -- it is my favorite and I want a copy to hahaha

The Oldies said...

we pick number3 also. Can't even see Matt's owie. how is his chin?


I showed Mom all the picks of the kids and she loved #3 and the one with the two of the kids on the bridge looking over either side = those are my favorites too! What happened to Matt's chin -- I guess I missed it in the blog.