Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pleasant Suprise

Today Brayden and I had a pleasant suprise... Grandma and Grandpa Racecar (my parents for those who didn't know) stopped by for a while. It's ALWAYS a treat to get to see my parents, especially since we live so far from them. And especially in a world where we are all SO busy (and I'm just as guilty as anyone). I am blessed to have parents that can have the time (even if it means they got up @ 4:30am to do it) to drop in from time to time. It is such a treat to get visitors, but when it's your parents it's always a little more special. I may be a grown adult, but I still like to get to see my Mom and Dad (Mommy and Daddy if you want to know the truth)! I'm in no way discrediting anyone elses parents, it's just these are MY parents and I feel VERY, VERY lucky to have them and I know my bothers and sisters feel the same. CAN I GET AN AMEN!!! ;)~~

It was funny because last week Dad got to stop in for a bit and got to see Braden do his army crawl. Well he went home and told Mom and I think she was jealous :) So today when Dad made his DFW run, Mom came so she could see. I was afraid he would perform for her cause I'd kept him from him morning nap and he was barely holding on. But he pulled thru, got his 2nd wind, and gave Mom a show :) Promptly afterward fell asleep on Grandma.

I love you Mom & Dad. And thanks for making my day!



AWWWWW!!! how sweet and what a nice surprise and treat!

The Oldies said...

Angie you have made our days with you special since the day you were born and even before that.

Kim :) said...

That is a a pleasant surprise indeed! Your parents are the greatest! Gary and I always enjoy getting to see them as well!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great surprise! Glad you have a nice visit :D