Sunday, August 28, 2005

Wonderful Weekend

Well we have once again had another WONDERFUL weekend. Last weekend we got to enjoy having Jim's cousin Beth, Scott, and Mason stay with us and we all had a great time. This weekend we got to spend time with our AWESOME friends Gary, Kim, Kelsey, and Brandon. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful this family is and how blessed we a
are to have them as friends. We've been friends so long is just like thy are family (and they are Matt's god-parents). They are just such a joy to be around and it makes us sad that we can't be around them everyday like we once were able to. I used to work with Gary (at WTA) and that's where we all got to know each other. It's funny cause as annoying as I was when I first started at WTA (and...still am :)), it's a wonder that Gary even took the time to want to get to know me and then later on...Jim. Me, Gary, (and most days) Kim went to lunch together almost every day and spent most free weekends together. The real test of frienship came when we went to Possum Kingdom for Labor Day weekend (I think) and stayed in a little 10x10 shanty. I was possibly a little bigger, but not much. It had 1 bathroom, and if you had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night you had to watch your step as to not squash a kid. But we made it and no one was killed. That pretty much determined (to us anyway) that these would be friends for life. We love them dearly and hope that we never get any further (in distance or metaphorically(sp?)) apart!

Here's some pics from our weekend...

This is their son Brandon with Brayden...YES, that was a tounge twister for me this weekend!

Here's Gary with Brayden. They have quickly become good buds!

Beauty Queen Nat :)

Matt is such a good big brother. Last weekend he was so good with Mason and he continued on this weekend taking care of Brandon. They were just two peas in a pod!

This is the lovely Kim. She's once again trying to convince Brandon to keep the floaties on. (Sorry I didn't rotate the picture)

Kelsey, Matthew, and Brandon were the definate water-bugs this weekend. Nat tried to hang with them, but she gets cold and that does her in everytime.

Hope you all got to have a good weekend. We sure did. Check out Jim's blog for pics of the new shed. I hope to get to start painting it this week. He and Gary did some awesome work. I'm VERY proud.



Glad you all had a great time!!! Carrie and family are here now dodging the hurricane!! Pretty Scary

The Oldies said...

Looks like all the kids had fun. Didn't see a picture of Kelsey. Good friends are hard to find. And a very precious commodity. Hang on to them.

SuburbanMom said...

Looks like fun -- cool slide :)

Kim :) said...

We had an wonderful time this weekend. It was so relaxing and just so comfortable. It was great getting to talk and visit with you all weekend. We go so long between visits sometimes, but we always make up for them when we are together! We do indeed have some beautiful children!

Love ya!