Friday, October 21, 2005

Armadillos and Super Glue

Interesting title They just happen to be the annoyances (is that a word?...Jim?!?) in my life right now. There is (what I assume to be) an armadillo rooting up my flower beds. He got into my monkey grass first, then rooted up some nice patches of bermuda, and he's now crossed the line and uprooted my sage and a mum! I think I've successfully replanted everything. Now I'm just waiting to see if the replanting "took". Does anyone have any helpful hints as to how to discourge the armadillo from getting into my flower beds? Any old wives tales...anything?

Now on to "super" glue. What's so freaking super?? From what I've experienced, it likes to adhere to everything EXCEPT for what it's supposed to! I broke a nose piece off my glasses several weeks ago. I thought I could fix it by putting a few drops of super glue on the nose piece and just stick it in place. Well I attempted this with out my contacts in and got super glue all over my lenses...and none on the nose piece. The crap sets up in no time at all and needless to say it's still on there..I just try to look around it! You'd think I'd take this as a hint that I should just go to the eye doctor and let them fix it. HECK no! Gotta try it again..and yes...without my contacts in. Well little did I know that the tube I grabbed had a hole in the end of it cause Jim couldn't get the top screwed off of it when he tried to open it. So here I am trying like heck to get the top off...paying so much attention to the lid that I don't notice or feel the glue running down my hands, onto my counter. Damn! What a mess!! My fingers were glued together on my left hand and the crap was all over my right hand, the crap was all over the counter and already set up!! ACK! And at about this very time is when the baby (who now has a BAD case of crup and is back on breathing treatments) wants me to hold him and I can't so he goes into a fit which causes him to start labored breathing and starts panicing cause he can't get air and I can't get the crap off my hands to pick him up...things were really sucking about now and my hands looked like Danny DeVito playing the Penguin in Batman! Once the glue set up and dried on my hands I picked him up. Got him calmed down after my panicked call to the nurse. And guess what...those damn glasses are STILL not fixed! I think maybe NOW I will take them to the eye doctor...maybe!


The Oldies said...

I knew there was a reason that I thru the super glue away. And moth balls is what Karen says to put out for the critters.


I think you can get super glue off with finger nail polish remover! But again I said I think! Poor thing! It made for a good laugh for the rest of us though! I remember the croup days! Hopefully we will not revisit them this winter. Love ya

Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!! It sounds like you had a mess on your hands there for a while. I am so bad with using super glue, i never get it where I need it either!! Go get those glasses fixed silly thing.

Armadillos YUCK! NOt sure how to keep them out?? HOpe you figure something out though.

Kay said...

Been there, done that! I hate super glue! Jim called to find out if I knew what would take it off, so he knows how I am with that stuff, too. I think Karen is right about the moth balls for the critters, just don't put it where the dog can get it. Hug my babies for me! Love,

Jim said...

I got BULLETS!!!!!!!!!