Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Nice Weekend..

We had another nice weekend in West Texas. We left for Abilene around 11am on Saturday since Jim's new co-worker started on Saturday (?) and he needed to make his boss happy and put in about 2-3 hours with him. As we came thru Weatherford I finally got to stop at this shop that I've been wanting to check out for at least a year. He sells all kinds of New Mexico iron work stuff, chinineas (sp?), clay pots, ect. It was neat, but we only got 2 sun faces. It was one of those places that's neat to look at. We got to Abilene about 3ish and went straight to the track. Jim went to help sell fuel and I went to visit for a bit before heading to Kim and Gary's. I'd hoped to get to see Dad race, but he did so well in the qualifing on Friday..that he wasn't up to race again till Sunday. (I had palnned to go into more detail about Dad and Moms set up at the track and how Dad ended up doing...but I'm hoping that Dad will become inspired to put this info in his Blog...hint...hint :)

Me and the kids headed to K&G's about 5:30 and came in at the end of her crop party (scrapbooking). I got to see so really talented ladies at work. I'm still pretty sure that it's not for me, but I sure do enjoy looking at what Kim and all scrapbookers create. We had a really nice visit talking about everything under the sun. We aleays end up covering so many different topics that I hardly ever remember waht we talked about. The kids (of course) had a great time together. Matt and Brandon are like two peas in a pod (which is humorous if you know Matt's feeling about peas ;)

Jim got it about 11-11:30 and we'd all just went to bed. So Jim didn't get to do any visiting until the morning. K&G put on one heck of a spead for breakfast too!! Pancakes w/ chocolate gravy was the big hit with the kids. We just hung out for a while, went to lunch, and then we all headed out to the track. Kim's Mom and Step-Dad were meeting them out at the track. They all enjoy watching racing also. When we got the the track Dad was doing pretty well on the outside, but I knew (and Mom knew :) that he was a ball of nerves on the inside. We hung out in hopes that he'd get to race around 5pm. Unfortunately we found out that it's be much later than that, so we had to head home. Dad called me with his results about 8:30-9pm just as we were heading into Decatur. (Again, I won't post the results in hopes that Dad will :)

It was a busy weekend, but fun. Always nice to go back home.

On a side note.. Wes - it's always so good to hear from you. Don't stop blogging. You'll always (at least) get a comment from me :)

Billy - the jokes were great...but, you've YET to post pictures LIKE YOU PROMISED!!

Dad - I hope my hints were too subtle (sp?)

Beth - Don't get too carried away with that construction and do anything to damage your fingers..got have those to blog :)

Gary - thanks a ton for the blog teaser. You saw that you had fans...but you just blew us off ;)~~

Jim - people need to hear more about the dunes.

Kim - thanks for having us this weekend and sorry if we are the ones who made you guys sick :(


The Oldies said...

Thank you so much for bring the kids to the track ,i wrote a blog but it does not show up on your deal, how come?


Well I cut one finger today on the metal of the new building -- not bad and I have a splinter in another one from yesterday that I can't dig out -- It wants to stay in and hurt me!!! Love ya Beth

Glad you had a great weekend with your family and friends!!! Love ya Beth

Kay said...

Sounds like you guys had another great weekend. I know you enjoy being with K & G and the kids. Sounds like Jim had a great time with Bill. Love Ya!

Kim :) said...

What a great post!! :) Loved reading it all. We enjoyed having you guys at the house so much. It is always so much fun to be with you all.

Oh no!! I don't think you guys were the ones that made us sick. I jus hope we didn't pass anything along to you guys. We are all doing better now though!

Hope you have a great week. Thanks again for coming to stay with us. Love you guys!