Sunday, January 15, 2006

Basketball, walking, and a curl

Matt had his first game yesterday and he (and all the boys) did great. It was a complete blow out. The final score was 48 to 30 and I think we actually had more points than 48, but the score keepers arm was getting tired :) I'll let Jim tell the rest of the story in his blog.

It's offical, he's got a curl :)

Here's a shot of him walking to Nat. Like I said, he's just everywhere now!

Here's a cute shot of the boys just hanging out today.

Hope you all had a great weekend and welcome home Mom and Dad :)



Those were great pictures. Congratulations Matt and Coach Jim for the great ball game. Brayden is sooo cute with his little curl and showing his teeth when he smiles!

Kim :) said...

WOO HOO! Way to go Mat and Jim! That is a great game. :) Aww, a curl! That is adorable!! Loved all the pictures you posted!! HOpe you have a great week.

Kay said...

What cute pictures! Hug them for me! Love, K