Friday, January 06, 2006

Big Walking and other stuff

I reported a while back that Brayden had taking some steps. Well he'd really lost interest since crawling is just so much faster. And he'd only ever walk to you if you had something of interest. Well now he's at the point where he'll just stand up and start walking...and it is so cool. If you're familiar with my living room...last night he walked from the edge of my ottoman to about 2 ft. from the tv. He was doing so good and then he looked back to see if we were watching (and of course I was with tears and all) and he started laughing and snorting...and bonk...Baby fall down. He laughed for a minute and then he was POed! And this sparked a very heated fit. Not sure who he was mad at or if it was the situation...but he was ticked. Arms and legs flailing to the point that he knocked himself over and...yup... that ticked him off some more. We are slowly finding out that Brayden (as sweet and cute as he is) has a short fuse. Hum?? WHERE could that come from :) Of course, he is cutting 2 molars and a cuspid right now so I can understand where some of the irritation is coming from.

Nat and Matt are still off for Christmas and will go back on Monday. Usually they are ready to go back, but Santa and everyone was so good to them that I don't think they're ready to leave all their goodies.

Nat started back to art class yesterday and she was very happy to go back. She was needing an outlet for all her artistic energy. She'd be making me something almost everyday...mosaic art, soap,...koolaid... what ever she thought she could make she was making it.

Matt will start back to basketball practice next week and I think their 1st game is the 14th. Jim says they only have 6 games. So if anyone who reads this was interested in going to a game, they'll be on Saturdays starting the 14th.

And also, here's an open invitation to ANYONE who'd like to come celebrate Brayden's 1st birthday and Nat's 11th. Don't know what we'll do...probably a party somewhere for Nat and something small at the house for the baby. But we'll do it Feb. 4th. More details later. ANY and EVERYONE is welcome and I have PLENTY of room for anyone to stay. We'd love to have ya!


Kim :) said...

OH wow, walking!!! I can't wait to see him in action. Glad that the kids are enjoying the time away from school. Kelsey was finally ready to go back on Tuesday. I'm not sure what is going on in February yet, but we will certainly make a note of the parties and be there if possible!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Love ya,


I will make a note of Feb. as well -- Glad that the kids are doing well and Brayden is acting like a true Berryman :)

Jim said...