Monday, January 23, 2006


Happy Birthday Mom! I would've posted this yesterday (on her actual birthday), but we had the pleasent suprise of having Mom and Dad stay with us this weekend.

Anyway, I just wanted to post a blog to let Mom know that we are all just so blessed to have you in our lives. You are one amazing, incredible, loving, compassionate woman. And you know this about her within the 1st 5 mins (or less) of meeting her.

We love you Mom and thank you for everything that you do and have done for all of us...thank you for being YOU!

Love you bunches, heaps, and piles :)



That is so sweet!!! Happy Birthday too!

Kay said...

Happy Birthday, Barbara! We are all lucky to know you!

Kim :) said...

Happy Birthday Barbara!! I know you have a big family already, but just so you know.. My family of four have adopted you (and Bill) as well! You guys are wonderful. I hope you had a beautifully happy birthday!