Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Say a prayer for Jolie

If you are comfortable, please say a prayer for little Jolie today. Jolie is Jim's cousin's 3 month old (2 days shy anyway) baby girl. I won't elaborate about her medical condition in respect of her parents, but she has to have surgury today which means going under anesthia(sp?). The surgury (from what her Mom told me) should go very smoothly and she should recover just fine. But this is still a scary thing for parents to have to go thru, so I know your prayers would be appreciated.

When I hear from her parents I post a small segment about her recovery.

Thank you and love you all!


Kim :) said...

Prayets for Jolie indeed! Please let us know now things go!


Well I will pray for her recovery - since hopefully she has already had the surgery and doing fine!