Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sh*ts & Giggles

Yup, that's right sh*ts and giggles..

Anyone who knows my parents, know this phrase. Well my parents are one day into their vacations and are already having their fair share of them :)

Yesterday Dad calls to tell me this story...
As they were ready to go to bed they kept hearing a radio. Nothing loud, but enough to bug them since the "rule" at the park was no noise after 10pm. ALL night this went on...even into the next morning. They were pretty ticked at this time and Dad was ready to lay into someone. Then when the went outside, the noise wasn't there...it was only when they were in the trailer...hummm. Then it became quite clear who the culprit was ;)~~ Dad said that over the weekend a little gremlin (quite possibly a grandchild) found a way to turn the display off on their camper's radio and had turned on the music just enough so they could hear it. This is when the had their sh*ts and giggles. After all night of getting ticked off...

Gotta love them pollacks (sp?)!



That's too funny! Surprised that they didn't get up in the night to go look for the noise!

Kim :) said...

That is too funny!!! That sounds like something I would have done. LOL Glad to hear they are enjoying vacation!

Kay said...

I'd put up with the noise, if I could go on vacation! But, I can hear Bill......