Friday, January 13, 2006

So proud!

I'm so proud of my kids for many reasons. For instance, both kids came home yestrerday with all A report cards! And even after have A-B report cards last 6 weeks (which I think is awesome also) they were both able to get their semester averages up to all A's also! Nat got a Chili's gift certificate and Matt got 2 award papers (All A's and perfect attendance) and he got to pick something from the award bucket. I just love it!!

Matt (and Jim) will have their 1st b-ball game tommorrow. I'm really excited since I don't get to go to his practices. I could go, but I'd just have to fight Brayden the whole time. I'll take picutres for sure and try to post by Monday.

Nat will be going to stay with Granny for a day or 2 in her new house. We'll be going up there tonight and she's gonna cook us dinner. She'd originally asked to come up to the local cafe and have fried catfish, but Jim told her of our semi restricted diet so she's gonna cook baked chicken.

Brayden's just walking so much now it almost unreal. I know it was time for him to do so, but I just can't believe he's almost a year. His new trick for the week is that he's learned to stack blocks. I am really impressed.

Hope you all have a great weekend and good luck to all those who are dieting/exercising. I hope we ALL drop in our wieght!


Kim :) said...

And a Proud Momma you SHOULD be!! Way to go Kiddos! We are proud of you as well. :) Hope you all have a great weekend!


YEAHHHHHH Natalie and Matthew!!! I am so proud of both of you!!!

Congrats to you to Brayden for Walking so well!!!!