Friday, February 10, 2006

Catching up...

Matthew came home with a letter from school saying he'd been picked to do a UIL event. Can anyone guess the event? Story telling!!! I tried so hard to not just bust out laughing. I guess I was smirking pretty bad cause Matt asked "Why's that funny?" I just simply replied "Well it's just your teachers know you well baby :)" He wasn't thinking he wanted to do it, but I told him to just go try it out and see what he thinks. HE LOVES IT...go figure!?! I'm very proud of him and so glad he can have a event that suits him so well! They have a couple of afterschool practices, and then they get to "compete" for the Story Telling "team". Only 3 out of 7 will be picked. And ya know what??? He's really pumped to make it. I told him to just do his best and that all we could ask for.

He has 2 more games left. And these boys are just doing awesome (see Jim's blog about last weeks game if you haven't already). They play this Saturday @ 1:30 and next Saturday @ 3:30pm and then that's it. And let me tell you, these aren't boring games. They'll keep you on the edge of your seat. If you can make it to one of these, you'll be glad you did...and Matt would too :)

Was just got the paper work to sign Nat up for softball. Her and Daddy are READY! The draft will be on the 27th and games will start on March 25th (I think).

She's still loving everything about art. I haven't seen her latest creation, but I know it'll be wonderful!!

She watched "the film" yesterday and I must say she was very mature about it. Some of her friends were dingbats...but that's to be expected. She said the boys said it was distrubing :) We talked a little about it and she made it very easy on me. I was sooo not anticipating this talk. But I feel I pulled thru ok :)

Brayden had his 3 month eye check up today and the doctor said he's looking great!! We can wait for 6 months before going back again...YEA! He's hoping that since the drifting has become so minimal that this is something that will be gone by the time he's 2. SO HAPPY!!

Brayden's started a sport also...pass the ball. He will play as long as you roll it to him. By far the funnest thing yet!! I've also moved several toys out of the living room and into his room and he's really enjoying the "independance" of his room. And I'm loving less clutter :)

Jim and I are still amazing ourselves over our weight loss. I personally have a long way to go, but I'll get there and I know Jim will too! This has been a very gratifying experience and I'm shocked at how easy Weight Watchers is to do! To date Jim's lost 23 lbs (I think) and I've lost 18. Woo Hoo...

Hope you all have a great (work-free) weekend!


Jim said...

Basketball ROCKS!!! And every once in a while people do come watch, not many, but some.

Natalie's latest creation in art is nice, but I'm not too crazy about the medium. I mean, white chalk on black paper is very stark, but I have seen it progress on a weekly basis. It is very creative, and she has done the medium proud.

By the way, Brayden is outstanding also, I mean baseball already!!! WOW!



I am so proud of Matthew's new activity -- it suites him perfect! Glad Brayden's eye is doing better! As for work free -- gotta work tomorrow!

The Oldies said...

Seems like the teacher also recognises Matts talents. Great work Jim and Angie.

Nat does awesome work.

No doubt that Brayden will follow in Nat and Matt's footsteps.

Kim :) said...

Ohh that is great that Matts teachers see his special skill, that skill that his family and friends have seen all his life! :) I am glad that he is enjoying Story telling! That is wonderful.

You mean the boys watched "the film" with the girls?? Our school separated the boys and showed them a film over hygiene while the girls watched the one of 'that time of the month' issues. Glad that she was cool with it. Kelsey was to! Sure saved this momma. lol

You guys ARE doing amazing on your weight loss!! I am so proud of both of you. This has been a fun challenge. Gary and I are plugging along on it as well and enjoying it. I REALLY see the weight loss on Gary! I feel it some on myself, but don't 'see' it as much yet.. But I will soon.