Thursday, March 16, 2006

I lost my age!

Woo Hoo! I officially lost my age this morning. Meaning....I've officially lost 32 lbs. What really got me is when I lost what Brayden weighs. Cause that little toot is HEAVY and it blows me away that I was carrying around that much extra weight! And ta boot...I still have the weight of Brayden to loose!! Crazy!

This was BY far one of the best ideas that Jim has come up with. But definitely second to the idea of "hey, lets get married..." :) His idea has not only positively impacted our house...but several of our family and friends houses. Weight Watchers has been a God send. And I'd been told by my doctor and several others that it's one of the best ways to lose the weight...but I guess my mindset wasn't there. Man it is now! I just moved into a 13 and I never thought I'd be so happy to be in a 13!! That's 3 sizes I've dropped now and I'm ready for more. 7's are my goal...and those 1991 Lawmans jeans that I bought my Freshman year of College are still in my closet just waiting for me to SQUEEZE back into them. I won't wear them out in public, I just want to be able to button them up and then back up in the attic they go :)


Jim said...

Now, maybe I can teach you to spell and construct proper sentences. I could get the Nobel Prize for Literature. Just kidding, I know you are in a hurry when you do these.

I can hear it in the background, RHS RHS RHS!!!

Love Jim

Jim said...

Still can't believe you fell for the "Hey, let's get married" hoax. Pulled the wool right over your eyes with that one, didn't I?

Love Jim

Angie said...

...there, I did spell check. Jim's correct, I'm always in a hurry when I write :)

Kim :) said...

woot woot!!! I am so proud of you Angie!! You're doing a fantastic job!!! I remeber when I lost so much last night, I would go in the store and find a sack of dog food about the same amount that I had lost... then try to pick that sucker up, it was crazy!! Keep on keeping on and you will be in that pair of jeans soon! And I say HECK WEAR THEM OUTSIDE THE HOUSE! Jut because you can!!


You go girl -- now we are in competition because I have lost 32 pounds this week too!!!