Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lucky Penny

Sad to say Nat's day got worse before getting better. As she walked out of school to get in the truck yesterday, she looked like Beetle Bailey (newpaper cartoon) after he'd been magled by Sarge. I asked her if she was still upset about the sentances. She cam back with "...not really, but Mom..this was a BAD day.." She was being very strong and was trying to hold back the tears as she filled me in on the rest of her day. She was in Math class and was the 1st to turn her paper in. At the end of class the teacher tells Nat to turn in her paper and Nat tells her that she was the 1st to turn it in and the teacher argues and says that Tyler was the 1st to turn it in. Nat said that she and the teacher looked for her paper nad couldn't find it. Nat flipped! Then to make matters worse, she went to her locker and got knocked over by a boy pushing another girl. When she went to stand up that boys locker was still open and the sharp point of the locker cut up her back in 2 places. She did tell me that the teacher who assigned the sentances came to her in Eagle Period (study hall) and asked her how many sentances she'd written and Nat told her 98, and she told Nat that, that was enough.

On the way home that teacher called me back and told me that this was Nat's 1st offense and she'd been lumped together in this punishment with repeat offenders. She said she feel REALLY bad once she saw Nat's reaction. And that she felt even worse cause she's such an excellent student and will do anything you tell her to do. I explained to her that Nat just takes everything to heart and stresses when she felts that she hasn't pleased someone. And the teacher and I discussed that if she does wrong that she needs to be disiplined (sp?), but not exactly like you would the others...or the repeat offenders. I also called the Math teacher and had the same discussion with her. The 1st thing out of her mouth was "I know why you're calling and I told Nat not to worry about it." I stopped her right there and explained to her that Nat worried and stressed about anyway. And that, that was just her nature. so I think we are all on the same page now. I have one more teacher to talk to, but he was out and I really don't have an issue with him, but I'll just fill him in on what I told the other 2.

At supper last night we went to Subway. While in line, Nat finds a heads up penny. She came over to me (I was feeding the baby) and says "Oh Mom, I really needed this penny today"!! So my little broken bird is all healed now and I just hope that when I pick her up today I have my bouncy baby girl back.


wes said...

I hopoe the penny worked for her. For the stress thing, I know how stressed I used to get when I would make a bad grade or get in trouble when I was little. Dad had to take me on a drive and explain to me that I wasa still in grade school and while it is important to stay out of serious trouble, your still young and need to enjoy life. Little troubles don't go on your permanant record and not making straight "A"s is not going to ruin your life. Grades don't really count till you reach high school.
I don't know if this would be an approach that you would take with her since she may take it too literally and never kick it back up into high gear ( kinda like I never did) Bottom line, kids need to be kids. THey need to live and enjoy their early years. My opinion is that she needs to realize that she can let more of these type of things slide but in the end that is your's and Jim's decision. We all know I was raised in a different environment. Best of luck.


I wish that a penny would solve all of our problems -- Glad that it solved Nat's!!!! Poor thing just couldn't catch a break - hope today is better!

Kim :) said...

Good Grief! That poor girl did have a rough day! I am glad you talked to the teachers and things seem to be heading in the right diection. And YEAH for Nat not having to write all the sentences!