Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Pictures

(If you want to see the pictures better, just click on them and they'll enlarge. Blogger was giving me fits and this was my 4th attempt to post this!)

Brayden has found his first egg, but has no clue what he's supposed to do with it. Until Debbie tells him "get the ball" ...then he knows what to do...and eggs DON'T bounce :)

By this time he's seen a few family members eating these little treasures and he wants to partake also...

The older kids learned this year that instead of hunting on their own, that the buddy system works twice as well. Matt and Tyler were one of the pairs. Being the youngest two boys (not counting Brayden), they still got some pretty good hints thrown their way as far as egg locations.

Nat and Laura were another pair. And despite being the youngest girl pair, they faired quite well. I think Laura was the spotter and Nat was the runner :)

Our Easter tradition is to beat the snot out of an Easter Bunny pinata once the egg hunting is done. So before he's beat to shreds...we decided to take a "before" picture. This year we went oldest to youngest and this ole bunny didn't last long.

I tried to show Brayden how to hit the bunny like the big kids, but all the loot that was already spilling out to the bunny was just too distracting.

Once Mr. Bunny busted and all the goods were out...the vultures swarmed in and Brayden was right in the middle of it :)

If Brayden had, had it his way he'd have a lot more than this one piece of he made this sucker last, wrapper and all!

Matt and Tyler had discussed (before the bunny beating) that Tyler wanted the head and Matt said he wanted an ear. So they strung him up again and commenced to beat him MORE!

I consider this picture equivalent to one with the hunter holding up the head of his deer.

Jim and Brayden just sat back and watched as the big boys completely demolish the bunny.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!



Where do you all go for Easter? Sounds like you all had a great day!

Reagan said...

What an awesome Easter! I love the pics. That was one heck of an Easter basket Matt had, I'm sure he had high hopes of filling it!

Kay said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of this year's hunt. Looks like all the kids made out like bandits! I'm sure Brayden will catch on to the hunt business soon. After all, he has some pretty good teachers! Love You All!!!!

Kim :) said...

Really enjoyed all the pictures! :) How fun. Looks like a Fun Easter was had by all!

And look at you Miss Thang! YOu are looking great!!!!!! Keep up the good work!

Love ya.