Monday, April 03, 2006


I think I've sabotaged myself! (Heck, that is if I'm using the right term...Jim?) I didn't realize this until this weekend.

As most of you know, our version of The Biggest Loser ended this Sunday. (Jim will post the final results.) It didn't totally dawn on me that this was the end of this competition till yesterday. But the one thing I did keep noticing was my crap attitude towards eating "good" (staying within my Weight Watchers points). On Friday night I did good, but I sure didn't want to. Which I thought was suprising cause I usually don't face this issue. I'll just eat good and feel good about doing that. (Please bear with me...sometimes it's as if there 2 people inside my head. Pretty sure one's the little angel and the other's a little devil) Then on Saturday, after working in the yard and I'd done no snacking...I decided I wanted Thai food again, and of course Jim as all for that! Thing is that I wanted Thai food and not just so I could try to pick something healthy...I wanted to pig out! I did a pretty good job too. But it didn't just end there. Sunday after mowing, I wanted F-O-O-D again. So when Jim and Matt came back from riding 4-wheelers (I will see if Jim will post his adventure with Matt and fill you in on the softball season), and he asked me if I wanted to go eat. I said "YES!" And I wanted Greek food this time. And a lot of it! So that's just what I did...then topped it off with ice cream! Humm...

This is where I think I've sabotaged myself. I think that in the back of my head...where the little devils lives :), I was gonna just be good till this date. Even though the little angel part of my brain know that I want to reach my goal weight, and I want to do it by vacation time at the end of June. So when Jim told me that he has every intention on continuing the Biggest Loser until then, I knew that this MUST be done by me also. Or I can see a very negative trend occurring.

I am starting Curves today and have high hopes (like I did with Weight Watchers) that this will be a positive direction with positive results.

Congrats to all of those who did the competition. I think we all did great and I look forward to continuing this journey with any of you who's wanting to continue (or start).


Jim said...

Welcome to my world!!


You Sabatoged yourself alright!!! But we all have the devil in our stomachs -- not the head!!! Saying Feed me Feed me More and More and More!!!! Hope you enjoy Curves -- I did except I was the only young person in there!!!

Kim :) said...

I have been sabotaging myself as well! I have to pull my head out of my ass and get it together! The first part to doing this is admitting we are doing it, and we both have done that! So now we just have to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and get with it!

Curves will be good! I think you will enjoy it! Let us know how it is going for you!

The Oldies said...

Remeber how hard it was to get where you are at.We will keep on going with you. Dad needs to stop. And maintain. With me it has been alound or a half a lound at atime. But I feel good about myself and that counts for something. Just bing once a week and see if that will satify you. To bad we like food so much. Good luck with curves. Try your own machine even if it is only for a few minutes at a time.

Great soft ball team. And matt Matt, Matt. He will give us heart failure yet.


Reagan said...

Angie - I've been following everyone's progress on Jim's blog - Way to Go! I din't play along, more out of fear of failing than anything. but..I was so sick while I was pregnant that as soon as I had Emily and stopped breastfeeding I wanted to get in shape. Its one day at a time. I'm terrible at playing"its better than..." Like just taking the dog for a walk is better than doing nothing at all....but its still not as good as going to the gym and actually working out. Or just eating one scoop of icecream is better than the three scoops I really wanted! I also let myself eat just about anything - like a reward for making it to the gym - talk about sabotage! Aaron got me a trainer once a week. I'm proud to say I've lost a good portion of the baby weight and am actually getting some muscle tone. I still have a ways to go...but like I said one day at a time. Anyway...congrats on what you have accomplished!