Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yeah...he's 15th months old!

I told him not to...but Brayden went ahead a turned 15 months old today. I took him for his well baby check up today. He's in the 80th percentile for weight and 96th percentile in height and head. As before mentioned...he's a big ole boy :)

The doctor said that we'd waited long enough (to see if he'd out grow his food allergies/intolerances). And now it's time to do allergy testing. I was VERY relieved to hear that he wouldn't have to have all those pricks in his back (like I'd heard about other people having during allergy testing). That was one of the main reasons I was in stand off mode when she's suggested it earlier. We will go Monday to an ENT here in town. I didn't know that this was something an ENT did...but now I do. They will do a single blood draw and should be able to determine exactly what he's allergic/intolerant to and if it's a "full" or "partial" allergy/intolerance. This will be a wonderful thing for my little guys belly! I'll keep you posted.

For now I'll leave you with some cute shots of the 15 month old. I tried to get him to let me take some pictures just now to show off his new "shiner" on his forehead. But he's not up for pictures. Still not too happy with me due to the shots earlier.

This is a shot of him on the way home from Easter. That's one pooped out baby!

This is the first time he tried a powdered donut! This has fast become a favorite :) And he can "tolerate" it, so that's a REAL plus!!

This is shot of him veggin in front of the TV waiting for his favorite show (Oobi) to come on.

Hope you all are having a great week!


Kim :) said...

WOW! 15 months old.. good gosh. Where does the time go? Loved all the pictures! :) I am glad to hear they aren't going to have to do the allergy screening with all the little pricks on his back also! I hope they can find out what he is allergic to and help him. :) Kelsey's allergy shots each week (or actually now we only have to go ever two weeks) has been a life savor! She can breath again! And I didn't realize it was the ENT that would have to do the allergy stuff either, but sure enough that is who we go to each time she gets a shot!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Mason had to do the pricks - it wasn't so bad! I hope he had a great 15 month birthday!! haha

Reagan said...

Angie - I've been on allergy shots for almost 5 (I think, maybe 4) years now. I started with an ENT in Duncan and loved him. He even offered food allergy shots, which help me trememdously since I was allergic to so many foods that changing my diet was not an option. Anyway then I moved here and went to a "real" allergist as "they" like to refer to themselves. These guys do not believe in the food shots but I am getting the air (molds, pollens, grasses, dust mites etc) shots. These guys also do not do the blood draw. I have not come to the side of these "allergists".
When I lived in Austin I worked for Esoterix, now owned by LabCorp, thsi is the type of place that the blood will be sent too. I had this done and saved the results. When we moved to Duncan I had the pricks on the back and along my arms - you will be glad to know that most of the results lined up. Its a good place to start - especially with little ones - why put them through the pricks when it is not always necessary. Good luck!

Thanks for sharing the pictures...he so adorable! :)

Kay said...

Where did our baby go????? Happy 15 months b-day Brayden! You are such a big boy and the pictures are great. Love You All Bunches!!!