Friday, May 26, 2006

Ok, I'm really back now :)

I gotta a lot to catch up on since I've been down for 2 weeks and just on dial up. Not that there's anything wrong with dial up, but after trying to do my work all day on dial up...trying to download/upload...waiting 20 mins or so per file...then get booted off...GRRR. My patience was pretty much shot.

Anyway, last weekend was the Wise County Playoffs. This would determine who was 1st place in Wise County (refer to Jim's blog for more details...and you WILL get the details!) We did great and got 2nd out of like 14-15 teams. Only the top 4 went to this tournament. ANYWAYS...MY daughter was on FIRE! That little toot can HIT. Man alive I wish everyone could see it with their own eyes cause she hits like a big ole gal. Here's some pictures that I am SO happy came out....

Here she is cheering her head off. She (and all the team) are so supportive of each other... and it comes from GREAT coaching!

Just look where this ball is at and her stance. HECK YA she's gonna belt that baby out of the park.

And she did. She got a home run with this hit (hee..hee and I got it on camera...I'm sooo thrilled :) You can see the ball in the sky, just to the left of the light pole. It's yellow.

We have one more tournament in Denton the weekend of July 2nd. Last year we play sasquatches (sp?) joke! Hope to have a good time and maybe win one or two games this time :) Will post pictures afterwards...

Yesterday was Nat's awards ceremony and Wed was Matt's. They both ended up with all A averages and we couldn't be more pleased.

We are very blessed to have such bright children. Sometime they have their "shining" moments... Like my earlier post with Matt and the trampoline. Or, when Natalie thinks that since I haven't taken Marbles in for a haircut...that she'd just take care of it herself. I now realize that I was having a "duh" moment when I was asked "Mom, where's the scissors?" Instead of telling here where they were...I should have asked "why?". Because it was a heck of a shock to walk out into the garage and see this enormous black pile of fur (that I thought was Marbles at first). Once it sunk in I thought...oh dear, how bad is it. Well I knew it had to bad cause Marbles hauled a-- once she put down the scissors and it was a good hour before we saw him again. And when we did see him, let me tell wasn't pretty.

And as for Mr. Brayden's activites...he's still just chillin, watching toons, playing outside any chance he can get :)



You know the saying what goes around comes around, but the mother shouldn't have to pay for what her husband did as a child! The kids are hilarious!

Jim said...

The ball that she hit, landed about 75 feet behind everyone on the field, and they were still chasing it when she rounded third base. In the picture, she is watching it like she did hit it out of the park, GOD, I love that girl.


Kay said...

Way to go Nat!! That ball was soaring! I don't think Marbles looks too bad, it's the thought that counts, like the time I came home and Max had been sheared with the horse clippers! Yeah, he was cool, but he did look a little funny. Tell the kids that I am sure proud of their grades and I hope that they enjoy their summer!

Kim :) said...

way to go Nat!! She sounds like one heck of a super star on that ball field! Got to love that. Enjoyed the pictures of her also! And congratulations to Mat and Nat for the A honor roll! That is wonderful. :) Something to defiantly be proud of!

Oh, I got a good laugh out of Marbles haircut! GOO Nat! LOL That is to funny. I don't see any blood shed, so apparently she did okay! :)

That picture of Brayden is adorable! LOL Got to love it. He is all kicked back and relaxed indeed.

Glad to see your post again! Missed you.
love to all.