Wednesday, May 31, 2006

One Full Weekend down, One to go...

We had a good Memorial Day weekend...and I hope all of you did also. We left out Friday afternoon to Mom and Dad's to visit and to take the kids to them so they could head out for camping at Junction on Sunday. Jim helped Dad at the races...which got rained out and Mom nad I hung out, shopped, let the kids play in the pool, and watched "The Perfect Man"..pretty cute. Sunday we all packed back up and Mom, Dad, Nat, Matt, Lorrin, and Jordan headed off to Junction. This will be the first camping trip in their new trailer. VERY NICE and much bigger. Jim, Brayden, and I headed to San Angelo to visit with our friends Penny and Brian and their kiddos Bridget and Brian. Brian and little Brian are Jim and Matt's Dunes buds. We visited for a bit at their house and then headed out to the lake to Brian's Uncle lake house. It was a nice visit and was way past overdue.

Monday we did a little house cleaning and then headed out for grocery shopping. I don't know why, but it's always fun to just go piddling around at Sams. Yesterday was Jim's meeting in Denton for the tournament (see his blog for more info). Before the meeting we stopped off and had some Sushi. Let me tell was great and we played with the idea of going back for "dessert" :)

I also got to talk to Nat yesterady and they had just gotten done riding the rapids. Sounded like everyone was having a great time and no one had gotten injured :) They will be headed to Mom and Dad's tomorrow and then Dad will bring them home on Friday. From that point on...we will start another action packed weekend of Softball.

We will keep you posted.


Kim :) said...

Sounds like you guys had a busy, but fun weekend!

I still think it is so stinking cool that your parents take all the grand kids camping like they do! That is awesome memories for everyone involved!!!!

Hope your enjoying your week and resting up for next weeks busy softball activities


Sounds like you all had an exciting weekend.

Reagan said...

Angie - thanks for the good vibes! I'll be sending some your way - that was an awesome hit Nat had - hope you catch another one on film this weekend!
how is Brayden and his allergies? and I've been dieing to know - has the trampoline been moved, anymore good Matt stories?