Thursday, September 28, 2006

It was bound to happen...

Well, it was bound to happen. Pool + baby = heart failure!! brayden had gotten really brave with the pool towards the end of summer. He'd walk right to the edge, but someone would always catch him...and he'd laugh like crazy. We all told him "no-no" everytime and I really thought we were done with the worry. NOT!

Today Jim was working outside in the shed and Brayden was "helping" him out. I went outside to see how things were going and I thought it was a bit too chilly for Brayden to be wearing just pants and short sleeves. So he and I headed in to get him a jacket. We are headed back out to the shed and I look out in the field to the west of us and see buzzards swarming over what I assumed to be a calf. I assumed this cause I could see the Momma cow walking around it and charging at the buzzards (or that's what it looked like). Honestly, this all transpired in like a minute or less...but obviously a minute too long! I look back to see Braydon at the steps of the pool hovering one of his sweet, little, fat feet (in his cute new Nike sneaks) and no sooner could I scream "BRAYDON NO..."...splash...he was under. I was only a few feet away so I was able to snatch him before his hair could get wet. Holy Smokes!!! I squeezed that baby so tight Jim was having to really wrestle hard to get the wet clothes off of him. He was very calm telling Braydon (and Me) that it's all ok. I still couldn't release him. I knew he was ok, but I couldn't let go. Ugh! So scary.

So I strip us both down and get warm dry clothes on. He's still unsure if he should stop crying so I grab the burpa and woobie and we snuggle up in the big blue chair and I patted him into nigh-nights. :)

We haven't gone back outside. So I wonder what his reaction will be towards the pool. I hope that it'll keep him back from the edge, but I also hope that he isn't terrified of it next summer...only time will tell.



OMG my heart stopped too!!!

Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness. I have to say that I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet! Kids seem to always test the waters (no pun intended) Brandon has done that twice to use. Each time I reacted much like you did. Scared the hell right out of me!! I hope he wont be to scared of the water again, but scared enough to know now to get close without Momma!