Friday, February 02, 2007

The Birthday Party

First off, thank you for all those who came to the party: Grandma & Pop-pop, Grandma & Poppa Roaine, Billy, Tina, Taylor, Tyler, and Nat's friend Shelby. We loved having everyone of ya'll and dearly missed those who couldn't come :)
The few days leading up to the party were making we wonder if this thing would even get to happen. Brayden started having the crud the Monday before the party and it progressively got worse thru the week. We had to start him back on his breathing treatment since we started having occasional respiratory distress. I took him to the dr. on his b-day (Thursday) and told her about the swimming party. She actually thought that all that humidity in the indoor pool would help open him up. So that was encouraging. Then I get a call from the Natarorium telling me that someone have double booked the 1 party room they have and could we reschedule our party to another time. I was like "are you nuts?? With one day notice and I have family coming in from out of town??" She told me that the other party had purchased the more expensive package so they got priority. I told her I was budging and to make something work. She told me that she could set us up in the spectator area and take $75 off my party price...heck ya!

So after watching Matt's game (which ya'll GOT to start bugging Jim to get him to give ya'll the play by plays)...we all headed home for min or two and then were headed off to Denton. We get there and yup, we were in spectator area all right...not a frill in sight :) But it was fine...we were there to eat some cake and go play! We had one cake (with all the goods) for Nat and another on that I made and Mom and Tina helped me decorate. I must say that I'm very impressed with how this cake turned out!

Brayden had decided that he didn't want to have cake at the table and he wanted to go to the very far end of the stands (the seating in the spectator area) and eat his cake there. He had crawled up onto the seat and when he went to turn around and sit on his bottom his shoe got caught on his pants and he went face forward (no stopping with the hands) into the stands in front of him and his front 2 teeth went thru his bottom lip. LOT OF BLOOD! And it bled for a long time after also. which this didn't help with the coughing fits at all! Once we got him semi calm we had Nat open her presents so the big kids could go play. Brayden was up for anything but clinging on to me...for good reason. I headed down with him to the pools so that maybe he'd want to go in if he saw the other kids playing. I finally got him interested to go in and the lifeguard says "everyone out of the pool". So little kid had puked in the dadgum pool!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE! There is an Olympic sized pool, but it is chilly..we got in anyway cause Brayden was ready to play. We were feeling like Popsicles! And my Mom captured the look on my face that says it ALL!

The lifeguards told us that the warmer pool (the one with the slide and the b-ball goals) was closed for the rest of the day. Uh..NO! I asked who was in charge cause this was bs! Finally found "the man" and he said that the pool had to be shocked and we might get about 30 mins before the actual closing time of 6pm. And that's exactly what we got! Here's some more shots from the party...

If you haven't had a chance to see it, please check out the blog before this one about Brayden's b-day. I must say that is is very nice to know when someone reads my blog...especially when they take me as long as they do to post :) Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll have a post soon about Nat's birthday.



I hope with all the pool issues and stuff you got a full refund not just $75.00 = that is ridiculous -- if you wanted a pool to freeze in you could have stayed home! hahahaha Glad the kids had fun though. How is Brayden's lip?

wes said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Sucks that Brayden took a fall though. Sorry I missed it.

Kim :) said...

Wow, sounds like you had some issues with the party place.. but looks like you guys managed to have fun anyway! Sorry that we wasn't able to be there. We thought about you guys though.

Loved all the pictures! HOpe your having a great week!

Kay said...

We enjoyed the party. Thanks for uploading the pictures. Thank goodness Brayden got in the "swim" of things. I know everyone had a great time, even with all the problems with the pool. Any new holes in the walls yet???