Monday, April 16, 2007

Call it quits?

Ok, time for a change (for me anyway) on the Biggest Loser. I need input... Shall we call it quits for a while? Or is there something we can do to change up the "dynamics" of this "game"? Something needs to change...cause my hubby's about to stop by Jack int he box for me and I'm thinking I "might" go over in WW points?!?!?

Please let me know your thoughts either thru Blogger comments or just email me.

I have stuff to blog about, but I'll need more look for more later....


Kim :) said...

{{HUGS}} You know.. this may be a point that you need to take a small break from things for a bit? Not go crazy over board with eating, but allow yourself a little extra now and then with out beating yourself up! You can't diet forever! You would go out of your mind!! I know this is a tough one, and coming from soneone that is over weight, you can take what I said with a grain of salt. But I think you have to give yourself a break now and then and just enjoy life!!!!

Reagan said...

Since I might have lost 2 or 3 lbs, and that's on a good day and I did fitness boot camp for 4 weeks - I'm gonna take a break, atleast on the weight loss part. I hope to continue with working out, but I suck at dieting. I lost about 10 inches and I'm good with that -- who cares what the scale says if I'm feeling better about myself...right?

The Oldies said...

I am very happy with the results that i got from this game. I am now at a point where I think I can control my eating habits,and I have you and jim to thank for that.Love brayden's pop pop