Monday, April 02, 2007

MY weekend adventure :)

If you've read Jim's blog, you know all about his and Matt's weekend adventures.'s my weekend "adventure"....

I've been doing a lot of "after hours" work for my contract guys this past week. By the time Friday came I was a feeling a bit frazzled. Plus knowing that I had a pretty big job coming in last weekend to top it off....just added to my frazzledness (is that a word??). I was feeling like it was time that I had some me time. Typically this might be: getting my hair done, a pedicure, shopping...something along those lines. But no, I thought I'd go inflict some pain upon myself.

For well over a year I've wanted to add onto something that I have on my don't hear many women say they like to ADD something to themselves, but you'll see where I'm going with this in a minute. Some of you already know that I have a small turtle tattoo on my back. I got it..oohh.. 3 or so years ago while at the beach. My brother got one that vacation also...same spot, different design. We also share the same armpit case you didn't know that :) Anyway, I've wanted to add something to represent my husband an children. I've had several design ideas, but never went and had it done...for whatever reason.

So Friday, in a warped state of mind (I guess...why else would I want to have so much pain??) I decided that the time is now. I emailed my other "freak" friend to see if she'd be my support coach...and she was "heck yeah"!!!

I got to the tattoo place at 12:10 had him draw up the design, tweaked it a few times and got started at 1:20. Finally finished at 3:15. The outline KILLED! I honestly thought at times that he was cutting off pieces of flesh! ...this pleased my husband (that I had pain) cause he's not so find of tattoos and them being on his wife. But he loves me and so he tolerates my bizarre wants and needs :)

Here's a pictures my friend took with her camera phone once it was done. She took several pictures during the whole process so I could see how it was looking....and to help keep my mind off the pain :) You'll see that the little turtle inside of the big turtle is quite faded. Yes, it needs to have a touch up, but that'll HAVE to be at another time. Didn't have anymore pain tolerance to spare :)



Is that on your upper back!!! Your are nuts!!! hahaha -- Reminds me of the time you went and had that massage that hurt so bad!!! It looks pretty cool!!

Kim :) said...

WOW!! That looks like a lot of pain going on there! I love what it symbolizes! That is great. You have more guts then I do though! How fun!!

wes said...

Uuummm, I would tell on you but it wouldn't do any good. You went and posted it on the net. Looks good though. See ya soon.