Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Beautiful day, beautiful kids!

After being a bit windy earlier today, this afternoon turned out really nice. So outside we went...

Here's some great shots I got of the kids playing. Brayden wasn't in the portrait I got what I could when I could get it :)

Uuhh...I'm not sure what this caption should be...but OH MY that girl is freaking beautiful!!!

Matt's got such a great smile! I tried to get him to do some "GQ" poses, but he can't hold back those (semi) pearly whites :) ...and he was much more interested in me catching his actions shots.

Brayden was on the move being the independent guy he's these were what I was "allowed" to take of him. The second is probably my favorite and I REALLY worked hard for that one :) But the 3rd one's pretty cute too.. shoot, I love them all! Pictures and kiddos ;)~~

Hope you all have a Wonderful Easter!



Those are really cute!

Kay said...

Cute Kids!! Great pictures! Brayden is a sly one. He only gives you a little peek and then he's off and runing!

Kim :) said...

Oh SUPER GREAT Photos Angie!! Look at you go with that new camera!! I love it. All three of those kiddos are Beautiful/Handsome! Thanks for sharing.