Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Piano Recital and Spring Concert

As mentioned in an earlier blog, Natalie had her first piano recital this Sunday. She did awesome. She didn't miss a beat. And she told me she wouldn't. "Mom, I know this song like the back of my hand", she told me. And she wasn't kidding. We were very proud. A few tears tried to creep into my eyes, but I fought them off so that I could take pictures :) After the recital her Grandparents gave her flowers and she was delighted! (In the group picture below you may or may not notice, but Brayden got a substantial haircut. Yes I did took him and no I'm not happy!)

Last night we went to her Spring Recital. They played 2 different songs. One of which they just played at the Sandy Lake competition where they received a "1" which was the highest score! They sounded really good and Nat was beautiful...as always :)

And not to leave Matt out...He had a practice for Battle of the Books today and his group got first place! He's really pumped about the upcoming "battle" :)

That's all for now... If you get a chance, leave me a comment. I miss hearing from everyone :(



Great job!!! Why didn't you want him to get a haircut??? Mason had his first at 9 months!! hahaha I am crazy about that though!

The Oldies said...

Natalie did a wonderful job at the recital. Sorry to havwe missed the band concert. Good job Matt. We know that story telling is your favorite pass time. Sorry to see all the curls gone but he is still adorable.

Kay said...

Looks like Nat is becoming quiet the musician. I'm sorry that we had to miss the recital. I had to work a rodeo last weekend. I know Matt will do well in the book battle. He is so serious when he gets into story mode. No more curls??? Ah, NO!!!! But you are right. He's still a cutie. Can't wait for him to become a story teller, too. Tell Jim that I talked to Patsy Winn last week. Love to all!!!

Kim :) said...

WOW! Nat is quiet the musician! How wonderful. I'm glad she is enjoying it all. It is so heart warming to watch out children excel like that, isn't it! Tell her we are very proud of her as well!