Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 2 & 3

Here's some shots I was taking before the school bus came on Day 2.

As I we were waiting I saw a truck & trailer start to pull up the drive. Low and was the Pop pop!

So Dad go to help us see them off for Day 2. (Dad dropped by to drop off some fuel to Jim.)

After everyone left I went back into my office. As I looked out the window I noticed Marbles had a buddy on the front porch....only he didn't know it was there and it didn't know Marbles was there....

We have these HUGE toads all over the place...and they aren't afraid of much! But they'll sure surprise the heck out of you when you walk up on one unknowing that they are there :)

Both kids had good second days. Matt's teacher had a bad phone call about her father's heart surgery and she had to leave out immediately to Arizona to be with him. All Matt knows is that problems happened in the surgery on the heart and then they had to do emergency surgery on his brain. I asked if he was sure and he said yes. I doubt he was pulling my chain on this cause he was very heartbroken for his were the other students. He said almost everyone was crying when Mrs. Martin was crying.'s another request...please add her, her Dad, and her family to your prayer list.

Nat's day didn't have near the emotions. It was just a good day that ended with a HARD workout. Nat said she did her best and really tried hard. I told her that's what coaches like and to just keep it up. She's on team "A" for the tryout practices...but not sure that, that signifies anything.

Here's some quick shots from this morning (Day 3)that I got in right as the bus was pulling up....not the best, you can tell I was rushed and so were they.

Hope everyone else has a great Day 3!


Kim :) said...

What great pictures! And such a nice surprise to see Pop Pop so early in the morning!

Love the picture of Marbles and the toad!! To funny. I thought it was a turtle at first.

I hate to hear that about Matt's teachers dad. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers!

The Oldies said...

Sorry about Matt's teacher. You and Jim have some beautiful children. Thanks for sharing the pictures.


Great pictures!!! We need to see Brayden too!! hahaha

Jen said...

Your kids are so cute! Your dad sure aged well! Hope we're all so lucky! Lol!