Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I decided to go thru and nab all the emails that Yahoo had saved between me and Karen. I go in a read a few a day. Most are just one liners, but they still make me smile and realize that I miss her so much! Today (2 weeks since she passed away) I open up 2 emails...one makes me cry and the other makes my heart stick out of my chest a foot.

In the first email she wanted to get my advice on the caps they'd made to give everyone at the wedding. She wanted my opinion but also felt bad cause it wouldn't be a surprise to me. ...that one made me cry. The next one I'd TOTALLY forgot writing. Here's a segment that I'd wrote to her on March 14th, 2007....

"...Hope you guys are doing good. I had a dream about you last night. Kinda weird, but at the time really scary. I was having to beg a dragon not to eat you cause you were my sister and I loved you so much and couldn't live without you in my life...."

Yes the dragon in the dream makes it a kooky dream. But at THAT time that dream really shook me up and I remember I really felt compelled to tell her about that dream cause it was the first time I'd EVER even considered not having her in my life. And for those of you who didn't know....she never even went to the doctor till Good Friday and even at that time she (and the dr.) thought it was a cyst (or something along those lines). Nothing had come up about cancer.

No I don't believe that I have ESP or anything out there like that. But I have had some dreams come true. I just NEVER thought a dream like this would come true. I guess if I wanted to analyze it...the dragon was cancer? What ever...the SOB (dragon, not God) took my sister even after I begged so hard.

My Mom told me a while back (way, way before all this) that if you have a disturbing dream about someone...they need your prayers. Good Grief Mom....you couldn't have been more right about this one.

Sorry, but finding this email has really hit me at so many levels. I wasn't looking to write another tear jerker. I was just wanting to share this email that I'd wrote to my sister to make sure she knew how much I loved her and wanted her in my life. Today - more true than EVER!


Kim :) said...

wow, that is a dream. And you know.. There are many times that stuff like this happens and it makes you wonder. You have told me that your Mom says that before! And she was right.

Love you Much!


Then it was a dream - now to me it is a nightmare! Today is Steve's Birthday and Mom has been really sad today. My Aunt and Momma went to have a Beer in his Memory tonight! So maybe you can do things that she like to do as well so you can cherish her memory! When do the kids start school? Mason starts K-4 on the 20th and Jaxon is trying to crawl, but can't get his fat legs in the right position to do so! I have new pictures that we took as a family - I have to get some time to figure out how to scan them in! Love you soooo much