Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Debbie!

Today is my oldest sisters birthday. I send out birthday wishs to her on the blog...even though there's a high chance that she won't see it :) But I get to put a little something on here about my big sister and use her birthday as an excuse :)

Debbie is our (me and my siblings) 2nd Mom. She is the one that made sure we were all doing ok while Karen was sick. She's the one to make sure you got a hug if you needed it. She has the biggest heart and will take care of whom ever is in need! And the kids...oh man, to get to go to Debbie's house...that's heaven right there. And funny, all the stray animals in the whole world feel the same way :) She may not be too happy about inviting them in (the animals), but she'll make sure they are cared for none-the-less. Debbie has an infectious laugh. You can't help but to laugh even if you don't know what the "funny" was. And as a Mom to her kids...yowza...talk about being the kinda Mom that kids wish they had...that's Deb! And her children reflect her love and caring in ways that just floor me sometimes.
So here's to ya Deb! I hope you have a great birthday and I'm sorry I missed you this past weekend. We all love you tons!

I have placed this photo of Debbie with her oldest daughter Jordan with the hopes that you'd lift Jordan (and her worried Mom) up in your prayers. Jordy's been having bad headaches for about 3 months now and has found a lump at the base of her head. She had numerous tests run towards the end of last week and they are waiting on the results. She's currently on an antibiotic for what they (and WE) are hoping is a lymph infection. It's just such a scary thing to happen to a child and plus with all that just happened with Karen...we are all on pins and needles about this. So if you wouldn't mind adding her to your prayers, I'd sure mean a lot to me!!



We will pray for her!!

The Oldies said...

Thanks Angie ,that was very special of you to do this .I will make sure that she gets to read it. love Dad

Kim :) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim :) said...

Happy Birthday Debbie!

What a great post! I will keep Jordan

Kim :) said...

The deleted comment.. that was me. Sorry! It helps if you proof read first. lol