Friday, August 03, 2007


Here's one to make you smile :)

Yesterday I set $2.50 on the kitchen counter. When I came back thru the kitchen after the kids had, had breakfast I only had $2 dollars! Well...unfortunately my thoughts went to one child...poor ole Matt :( So I kindly went to him and asked if I could have my 2 quarters back. He gave me the deer in the headlights look and said he didn't have them. I assured him that I wouldn't get mad if he'd just give them back. He swore he didn't have them. So I walked away and went to Nat. Now she's a WAY better fibber than her brother. That girl WILL NOT give in...stubborn!!! She tells me she didn't have the quarters and told me I could search her room...yeah right. So I walk away and just shrugged it was only 2 quarters.

Then I went back to my office and remembered the midget's mumblings earlier in the morning. When I had my head so far into my work that I was just saying "yeah...uh huh...okay baby..." and stuff like that cause I didn't have the time (or so I say) to pay real attention to what he's saying. As I thought more I remembered him saying "coints" (aka coins)..... I found my culprit!!! It came back real vivid then. I heard the little slap-slap of his fat feet running into the kitchen...him yelling "Momma...coints"...then slap-slap changing over to "thump-thump" as he ran across the carpet to his room and "clinck-clinck" of the coints into the pig.

Matt asked me as we headed to town to take Nat to Art "Mom, did you ever find out who took the coins?" And Nat followed with "Yeah! Who did it?" I just pointed to the midget and we all just died laughing!

On a more serious note: If you didn't get to read 49, please do. Momma says :)

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

*laughing* Those little Turkey boys! Got to love them. He is saving some a rainy day it sounds!! :)