Monday, January 28, 2008

Brayden is 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's unreal....but my little baby that I just brought home from the hospital is 3! I thought staying home with this child would make time go slower..NOPE! It's been great though. It'll make you nutz at times, but it's been pretty great overall :)

This past Friday was his birthday. We are having his party this coming Saturday...along with Big Sis. I had not planned on doing much on his actually b-day besides letting him open presents. I wanted to save all the fun stuff and CAKE for this coming weekend. But that sweet little baby had other ideas :) He woke up on his b-day and I said "Happy Birthday"!! And he draws in a big breath and says "my birthday? I get CAKE! My balloons??" Well, it might have not been in my plans for the day, but it was now :) I wasn't gonna let that baby down. After I got the big kids from school I went to the store and got the "fixins" for rice crispy squares (aka "the cake") and a Dora/Diego arragment of balloons....that are now floating along the top of the dining room ceiling :)

As soon and Pop-pop, Grandma, and Daddy got to the house that evening...the fun was on. It was finally present time!!! Here are some pics of Brayden tearing into the gifts. Please note that he doesn't look at the camera for more than 1/2 a second (literally) so it is near impossible to get a shot of that sweet face. He does say "smile"...but it's while he's looking away. Rotten little toot :)

This is his birthday loot :)

He LOVES to plays with Bobby and Chanda's girl's cash we HAD to get him one of his own!

Many years ago Kim and Gary had gotten Matt a Home Depot set of play tools. Brayden had been playing with the small remainders of thst once large set. So when we saw this play Black and Decker set at Lowes...for $4.00...we HAD to get it! And he LOVES it. He's currently standing beside me with his hard hat and tool belt on...but no, I can't get a picture cause as I continue to write this he's already at the other end of the house ;)

This is a car road/train track table. And it is a HIT! And I love it cause it keeps the mess out of the floor...Woo Hoo. It's a Win-Win!

He had a great b-day and we are so blessed to have this guy in our lives. Love you baby boy :)

**Side note - Just in case you weren't thining of commenting...please note that it sure does encourage us bloggers to continue to blog when we get comments. Even if all you write is "Hi"...we at least knew you read our blog. And by "our" I mean me and Jim's :) Now being tacky ;) Just need encouragement from time to time :)


Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!! He is so tall!! I know he is getting to be a big boy, but he looks so tall in those pictures!!

It sounds like a wonderful birthday was had. And even if the cake and balloons weren't in the plan for the day, you're so right, you couldn't have let that little man down! That's what makes you such a great mom (Well, one of many things!)

I hope you all had a wonderful birthday for the birthday boy!

The Oldies said...

Had a great time with you all this weekend. Seems like yesterday that we were watching him come into this world.And as always got to eat lots of always take us on an adventure. The Thia food was great
Love Mom

Jen said...

What a cutie! Glad you had a good weekend! Enjoy him while he's little! They grow so fast.