Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Action Packed Weekend

We had a very action packed weekend...mainly on Saturday. Friday started it off (Jim's B-day). We all went to Nat & Jim's softball practice till about 8ish. Then went out for supper at the catfish place. Brayden enjoyed it the most cause it was his 1st experience with chicken strips. It was a hit :)

Saturday Jim and Nat left the house @ 8am to make it for Opening Ceremonies @ 8:30am. Then they worked the concession stand from 10-11am. Matt got visitors during this time from the boys next door and he played with them till it was time for us to leave for Nat's game @ 11:30am. I was proud of myself for not rushing out the door as always. I had everything packed, everyone loaded, doors locked, and alarms set by 11:05am! It was a record for me :)

Nat's first game was a good warm up and they won, so they played again @ 1:30. Matt played non stop at the playground and resurfaced only to get money for some snacks and to get $$ for the bounce house. They were about 1/2 way in to the 2nd game and Jim keeps saying something to me, but I can't make it out since he's on 1st base. He finally says "the alarms going off at the house..." It took a minute to register. But once he said the cops are on their way out...it sunk in! I was in "OH Hell NO!" This was NOT happening again! Jim and I both called the surrounding neighbors and asked them to look for any cars/trucks/people. It took me 9 mins (typically a 15-17 min drive) to get home. I beat the cops there, but the neighbors were waiting and said the back door was open. Nothing was gone or disturbed. I guess the alarm worked...I guess. Or, as the investigator told us back in April..they trip the alarm to see response time. Well my response time was good, but the cops got their call at 2:15 and they got there at 4:05pm!!! But that was due to the fact that my alarm company cancelled the call..instead of just canceling the alarm. Anyway...he was able to lift a print, but who knows who it was. It could of been one of ours. None of us were actually freaked out this time. So...we'll see if this leads to anything.

The night got better as we headed to Lewisville for Jim's official b-day night out. We took him to ride go-carts @ Put-put. Beth, Mason, Carrie, and Olivia showed up and they all got to do 1 race together before everyone turned into popsicles. Nat and Matt got several races on the junior track and a few races as Jim's passenger. Everyone had a good time...it was easy to tell when they all had huge smiles on their faces :) Then we headed to Baan Thai for supper. It was really good. We ordered several different appetizer and entrees. Everything was really good and I think everyone enjoyed what they got. Jim said that "Medium hot" was just about too much! But he loves that hot stuff. We headed home around 10pm and everyone was zonked out by 11:10pm I think.

Sunday Jim was the only one to leave the house since he had to take his coach's test. That evening we had all but 3 of our current/future neighbors over for pizza and visiting. It was nice to get to visit and get to know everyone. Everyone got along really well from what I could tell. By the end of this summer we will have grown from 2 houses to 5 houses. It's still the boonies, just a mini neighborhood in boonies. Works for me :)


Jim said...

It's easy to act cool, but when you are on a go kart with your kids, what's the use. I smiled the entire time, I know this because my lips and gums around my teeth were dried out and stuck together most of the evening. Thanks again for a wonderful evening.

By the way, I didn't order medium hot, I just ordered medium, and it was almost unbearable. But the food was outstanding.

Kim :) said...

SOunds like a wonderful weekend to me! Well, exepect for the alarm going off at home and someone trying to get in!! Geeze Lousie enough!! I am sorry to hear this happened, but I hope the alarm will keep those creeps away from now on.

Way to go Nat and Jim on the win for softball. :) We start this Thursday and I just can't wait! I love softball season!

Sounds like the birthday party was a lot of fun too!

Love you guys!

Reagan said...

Hey guys - glad you had a good weekend, even after the alarm. I must admit that would have ruined it for me. Maybe you should hang a sign that says you've all ready been hit and all the good stuff is gone. But I've learned my lesson from you - I will actually set our alarm from now on - otherwise what's the point? Man that came out as a depressing comment -- sorry -- anyway....good luck with softball season :) love you all!

Kay said...

My heart just stopped, again! I can't believe the nerve of some people. I would make sure they check out the guys from last year, just in case.

Sounds like softball is off to a good start and I know that Nat and Jim are raring to go.

The party sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad that everyone enjoyed it and that Carrie and Beth got to go with you. I bet that was fun!

Miss you all bunches and love ya lots!


Yeah we had a great time too! Nat and I would have beat Jim and Carrie had our Go-Kart actually had any power whatsoever!!!!! They had to push us out on to the track because it wouldn't go!!!