Friday, March 10, 2006

From the mouth of Matt...

Here's some recent Matthew comments:

*He hops out of the truck after being pick up from school and starts whizzing right then and there. I say "Matthew!!!" (which that was to be interpreted as...go inside and use the bathroom) Matthew's reply "Mom, it's ok...were in the country now..."

*He hops into my lap and pats me on the stomach and says "it's agood thing your not having another baby in that big ole belly. Cause you've got a lot less blubber now..." And anyone who know Matt, this was a compliment...not a derogatory statement :) Now in the future, Jim And I might need to help him refine his compliments towards women. But for now, we know what his intents are.

*He sees a boy coming out of Nat's school wearing a pink shirt and just out of the blus says "'s ok, he's a reall man!" I'm reading my book and look up and say "huh? Why'd you say that?" He replys "..ugh Mom, REAL men wear pink!"

There have been so many that I forget...but those are some that stick in my mind. Enjoy :)



He is toooo much -- I have a feeling I am going to have one of those on my hands!! Mason comes up with some stories too!

The Oldies said...

I can't wait till we go camping this next week, I just know Matt will have some real good stories for us. But so far his story about his Mom getting mad at his Dad and she threw a bowl of carrot soup at him is the best, so know all we have to say to each other is ,ya but do not forget the carrot soup!!

Kim :) said...

*laughing* Those all sound EXACTLY like Mat!! he is such a silly boy!!