Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend Stuff

We had a very nice laid back weekend, and it was great! On Friday Jim and I got our hair cut (much needed on my end :)) Then Jim and Nat headed to their 2nd softball practice. They are both very happy that it's FINALLY softball season!

Saturday we all took turns working in the yard. Jim got 2 more trees planted after another MAJOR struggle with the rocks. It's so great to have trees. And many of them are blooming or leaving out. The kids got a pretty good sweat going while playing outside and asked if they could go into the 61 degree water pool! I told them that they'd turn into ice pops. This wasn't what they wanted to hear...but I did tell them they could dip their feet in the pool. That got my point across real quick when they saw how cold it was. Brayden LOVES going outside. We waddles and stumbles everywhere...and quite quickly I must say. He gets very po-ed when it's time to come in. That afternoon/evening we got all cleaned up and headed over to Carrie, Guy & Olivia's house for supper and visiting. We got to see Martha too. We had a great visit and the babies are so cute together...well, until Brayden terrorized Olivia in the bathtub by drenching her with all his splashing and his LOUD squeals of delight. This was a bit much for a very sleepy Olivia...poor little baby. But they did play a very funny game of swapping guggas (pacifiers). It was a nice visit.

Sunday we headed to Glen Rose to take the kids to camp with my parents and their cousins at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Matt was beside himself and kept much longer till we're there? We made his wait even longer when we stopped to get gas and then saw a lady giving away some CUTE puppies. Well today being Mom and Dad's A-day and they've been dogless for some time...I thought "maybe" this might be a good present. So Nat and I picked out a boy and Jim got him some food, bed, collar, etc. He traveled really well and seems very sweet (I'll see mom and Dad tomorrow and we'll see if we gave them a gift or a chore). As we entered the park the kids were recalling all the places they'd gone last year when they stayed there. We weren't there too long before the kids all took off on a biking adventure. We all asked Matt NOT to shed blood this trip :)

Jim, Brayden, and I headed home about 5ish so that we could have time to settle in and be read for the beginning of the Sopranos! It's been a LONG wait and we were both ready for it to start! A perfect end to a great weekend!


wes said...

Sounds like a great weekend

Kim :) said...

Sounds like you guys indeed had a great weekend! :) Hope that Mom and Dad are enjoying the puppy!


A puppy -- I think the Chore part is correct!! hahaha Mom and Carrie said that you all had a good time!!

The Oldies said...

WELL Miss Cindy & MS PEE are not to well pleased with this thing that Mom and Dad brought home! And to add insult to injury THEY TOOK IT IN THE HOUSE!!