Monday, July 16, 2007

Replacing the "F" word

Replacing the "f" word in our vocabulary and minds is a tough thing to do. And no...I'm not talking about the "f" word that we swear...I'm talking about FEAR! This situation with my sister has had me thinking deeper than I've thought...ever! We all believe that prayer is the best answer for Karen. And I whole heartedly believe that this is true!! But many of us are being held back from truly committing to these prayers because of the "f" word. (Please don't anyone take this personal or as an attack on your beliefs...this is an innocent rambling...) How do I come to this conclusion? Because I for one am guilty of feeling overwhelmed with sadness, worry, stress...etc. And what is this all derived from? ......FEAR! Fear of the unknown, fear that there's nothing I or any of us can do. But I feel that if we can remove the "f" word from our hearts and replace it with FAITH...THEN, and only then we are praying whole heartedly! We are truly putting Karen in God's hands. Yes, we are all human and that in turn make us have emotions. And we are and should cry and feel sad that this is happening to someone whom we all love so much and mean so much to us. Karen (as we have said so many times in the past 1.5+ months) is the Rock in our family. She is truly one tough cookie. But to dwell and wallow in deep nasty depths of fear isn't gonna do a dang thing for her. Faith in God... in our prayers for Karen...that's what she needs from us.

I realize that I may have not worded a dang thing "correct" in this blog. And I might have come off as loving as a Brillo pad, but it is (again) just my ramblings...not intended to hurt anyone, but to maybe enlighten anyone who might have been doing what I am guilty of.....ya know...being consumed with the "f" word.


The Oldies said...

Thank you Angie. Love Dad

Kim :) said...

Angie, I hope you realize that you don't need to worry about upsetting anyone about anything you write on YOUR blog! If they don't want to read what you are thinking. GET LOST!

With that said. I believe you hit the nail on the head. "FEAR" causes us to do so many stupid things. We really do have to learn to put things in Gods hands, because he is ultimately the only one that has the final say.

I do believe that Karen in the rock in your family. But I also believe that each and every one of you are a rock in hers.

I will continue to keep Karen and the rest of you in my prayers. Prayers for Peace during this time. Peace of mind that things are in the Lords hands.

I love you all dearly!


I don't think you are rambling for one! I am with Kim on if someone is offended by anything anyone of us writes -- oh well!!! I think in today's society we all have to live in fear!! But Faith in God is they way we should live, but with murders, robbers, child molesters, etc. living amongst us what are we supposed to do!! Karen is strong and if anyone can't fight this she will!! Love you bunches and please keep your spirits up for her!! What you do behind closed doors when she is not around is okay -- but be strong for your sister -- because she is scared out of her mind!!

If you need anything just call -- I love you!!!

Beverly said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. I have been doing a study on Beth Moore's book "Get Out of the Pit" and I realized that fear is it's own pit. Unfortunately I also realized I have lots of furniture down in that pit and I have just made myself a little "home" there.

But I learned all we have to do is cry out to God, confess we have fallen short by giving in to the fear, and then consenting to let God take care of and handling those shortcomings for us. Basically we have to let faith take over.

That's the tough one, but I believe God doesn't want us to stay where we are (living in fear). So not only will I be continuing my prayers for Karen but I will also be standing in prayer for you to overcome your fear.

Sorry this has become such a long comment. Just remember Psalms 27: 1,3 that says "The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army besieges me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident."

Keep the faith!! I'll keep on praying.