Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You NEED to know!

Ok...this goes out to all the ladies who read this blog. Any men who read...tell your ladies.. PLEASE! Some of you may take this as an "ewh, ick" topic....but facts are facts and I have a fact that I need to share.

When you get your annual exam from your Gyno, that swab they do ONLY checks for cervical cancer and the HPV virus. That swab DOES NOT check for uterine or ovarian cancer. Now when the dr. pushes around on your stomach in the ovary area (externally), he is looking for abnormal lumps and what not...but they can get missed. And if you are someone who's dealt with (or has) endometriosis(sp?), it may be even harder to catch a tumor. As in the case with my sister. I called my Gyno and asked these specific questions because I don't want this to happen to anyone I know or love EVER again! He said you body "should" give you indicators to let you know that somethings not right. Abdominal pain (as vague as that sounds) in that area is the most common indicator. But if you have endometriosis, cysts, or something along those lines you may have that pain a lot anyway (every day for some). So, all I can say is that if you feel anything other than normal in that area...something appears funky...DON'T dismiss it....PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't dismiss it. I was once that person who dismissed pain, but have now learned that it IS you body's way of saying "HELLO, fix me please!". Please don't let these words fall on deaf ears. Hear them, take care of yourself, most of us have a $20-$30 co-pay to go see the dr. That's not that big of a deal when you look at the big picture. Pay it, be pro-active, don't put yourself last...there are people who NEED you to stick around!

I'm done with today's sermon. Check in later for another :)


Kim :) said...

OH wow Angie, I never would have thought that the yearly exam wouldn't tell the doctor all of that! Thanks for the heads up. We do all need to listen to our bodies a little more then we do at times. I've still got Karen and the rest of your family in my prayres!


What is the lastest on Karen? She is still in my prayers and thoughts everyday!!! My neighbor has a cyst and goes back next month to check it again! She was feeling icky and spotted for 14 days and never really had her period -- so she thought she was pregnant, but her husband has had a vasectomy (but he never went back to make sure it didn't grow back) soo she took the test not pregnant, made an appointment and she had a cyst and it looked like it was breaking apart - but we will find out in a couple of weeks for sure! So if you feel icky -- she didn't have any pain just felt PMS for about 3 weeks --something is wrong as well!