Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Jim's cousin Sherry sent me a FANTASTIC saying yesterday that is just so awesome and true.

Take good care of your memories. You cannot relive them. –Bob Dylan

This is just so perfect for me, my family, and loved ones who loved and knew Karen. My Dad had made mention that he was never going to get to hear her voice again. Well, I told him that I would find video of her. Surely we have it and I'm going to find it. And with that I'll take care good care of my(our) memories and we can hear and see her anytime we want.

It's been 1 week today since the loss of my sister Karen. And I (we) must do what we can to move on, but NEVER forget. Still love you and miss you terribly. Still want you here with us...and that will never change.

Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

I love the saying that Sherry sent to you. It is oh so true! We all have memories and those can't be taken from us!

I hope you can find that video of Karen! I'm sure you will!

We love you guys and continue to think of you!